Photo of Fatemeh N.

Fatemeh N.

Research Assistant, Health Canada

Bachelor of Science Honours, Major in Food Science
Co-op Placement
Employer Position
CFIA Junior Communications Officer
What is your title, role, and host organization?
Hello! I am a 4th year Food Science student. As a co-op student, I worked for the Radiation Protection Bureau of Health Canada as a Research Assistant.
How is your placement related to your field of study? Did any course(s) prepare you for this placement?
My first three years at Carleton prepared me fairly well for this position. Research skills and the laboratory writing were definitely the most beneficial asset for my co-op position. The first few days at my position were confusing, but soon things fell into place.
How have you grown professionally through your placement?
I believe my co-op placement has been the perfect way for me to get my foot in the workplace door. The professional workplace is different than sitting in class and learning theories and concepts. Co-op will definitely give you the professional skills you will need in the future.
Do you have any advice for junior students in Food Science?
If I were to give an advice to you junior foodies, consider co-op! Because getting valuable work experience while you study is an advantage over your peers and it will open doors for your future career.