Photo of Laura Banducci

Laura Banducci

Roman and Pre-Roman Italy; Archaeological ceramics; Use wear analysis' Ancient foodways; Ancient discard practices and garbage

Department: Greek and Roman Studies, College of Humanities


Courses: CLCV3003; CLCV2900 – Eating and Drinking in Classical Antiquity

Selected Publications

Banducci, L.M. 2021 Foodways in Roman Republican Italy (University of Michigan Press)

Banducci, L.M. 2018. “Material Evidence on Diet, Cooking and Techniques.” In The Routledge Handbook of Diet and Nutrition in the Roman World. edited by Paul Erdkamp and Claire Holleran, 36–50. London: Routledge.

Banducci, L.M. 2015. “Fuel, cuisine and food preparation in Etruria and Latium: Cooking stands as evidence for change.” In Ceramics, Cuisine and Culture: the archaeology and science of kitchen pottery in the ancient Mediterranean world. edited by M. Spataro and A. Villing, 157–169. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Banducci, L.M. 2014. “Function and use of Roman pottery: a quantitative method for assessing use wear.” Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 27: 187–210.