Skill Pathway: Research Management

Career Readiness Competencies: Research & Analysis; Digital Literacy; Discipline-Specific Knowledge

Workshop Description

This series of workshops introduces humanities scholars to coding in the humanities. The suite of workshops covers the following topics:

  1. Creating a static page for cuPortfolio (learning to use the command line and GitHub)
  2. Python I: Basic coding for text analysis
  3. Python II: CSV files for literature reviews
  4. Python III: Error searching, web scraping, and the ethics of open data

Each of these workshops introduces a core topic for those interested in computational methods for the humanities and provides opportunities to apply the ideas and techniques discussed.

Learning outcomes

(1) Setup Windows or Mac system to meet workshop technical requirements.

(2) Write some basic commands to access files from their desktop/laptop directory.

(3) Identify the benefits of using Python for certain humanistic research problems.

(4) Import a CSV from Omni (Library discovery tool) into Python and then use pandas and NLTK to analyze the data in the CSV file.

(5) Define a legal and ethical process for accessing digital data.