Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.
May 18, 2023 at 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Location: | Online |
Audience: | Current Students |
Academic writing and “copywriting” (writing for marketing purposes) are very different arts, yet each can inform the other. Learn the basics of writing to sell, and you will not only gain some valuable skills that can benefit you outside of academia but also sharpen your writing skills in general.
Learning outcomes:
(1) Understand the difference between writing as a means of contributing to an academic conversation and writing to sell or promote
(2) Understand, in broad outline, the history of copywriting
(3) Grasp the foundational techniques for producing clean, persuasive copy
(4) Gain a glimpse into the related world of “content marketing”
Workshop leader(s):
David Lafferty
Please note: Because this workshop takes place during Spring/Summer, time spent in these workshops cannot count toward paid pedagogical training hours.
Community Engagement; Communication; Digital Literacy