
This Skill Pathway introduces participants to key principles, approaches, and tools pertinent to career planning and job hunting. Participants gain insights and develop strategies which will help them manage their careers and set professional goals systematically and comprehensively. This overarching aim is achieved through three methods: (1) demonstrating the potential and benefits of treating continuous professional development as an integral part of career management, (2) presenting a set of tools and strategies that students can use to determine existing skills, future career goals, and potential skill development activities, and by (3) discussion sessions with alumni and other professionals that expose participants to a variety of professional experiences and career narratives—all situated within the context of graduate studies. The pathway’s ultimate goal is to provide participants with the knowledge and guidance needed to prepare for the job market effectively and efficiently as they progress through their academic program.

Learning Outcomes

(1) Appraise past experiences—both academic and non-academic—and existing qualifications through the lens of transferable skills

(2) Use research tools and principles to gain insights about the requirements and expectations within a chosen sector of employment

(3) Employ a strategic plan to enhance transferable skills and boost employability

(4) Design and implement a comprehensive Individual Development Plan (IDP)

(5) Learn how to write effective job documents

Sessions Offered as Part of this Pathway

Establish Your Career Narrative: Identify Your Skills

Establish Your Career Narrative: Explore the Job Market

Establish Your Career Narrative: Enhance Your Employability

Alt-Ac and Beyond

Alumni Conversations

The Alt-Ac Launchpad

Resume and Cover Letter Development

Networking and LinkedIn

Currently Scheduled Sessions