Skill Pathway: Professional Writing

Career Readiness Competencies: Communication; Research and Analysis

Duration: 120 minutes 

Workshop Description

This workshop aims to introduce participants to the process of grant proposal writing. The workshop includes a discussion of common reasons for proposal rejection and a review of grant proposal components, as well as close examination of key components such as the statement of needs/problem, goals, and objectives. During the module’s discussion portion, participants will be introduced to the steps of preparing grant proposals and the techniques used to formulate and present ideas in an accessible and cogent manner. Special attention will be paid to composing logical and compelling proposal narratives. Participants will also be presented with sample proposal abstracts that illustrate the principles of writing effective proposal narratives.

Learning Outcomes

(1) Indicate the common reasons grant proposals are rejected

(2) List the key elements of the formal grant proposal

(3) Describe the process of planning and writing a grant proposal

(4) Describe the elements that make up the narrative component of the grant proposal

(5) Organize the grant proposal’s narrative component in a logical, accessible, and compelling manner