Have you ever wanted to conduct your own research and thought you may have to wait until grad school? At Carleton University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, your curiosity is only an application away to gain an invaluable experience while you complete your undergrad.
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Summer Research Internship enables students to submit a research project that they wish to work on throughout the summer in collaboration with a faculty member. They must apply by submitting a 1-page research proposal along with a statement of support by their supervising faculty member. The student will be required to submit a progress report in the middle of their research, then once the research is complete, they will present their research in the fall along with a 500 word abstract that will then be published on the FASS website. The student will receive a stipend of $7500 for their research over the summer term. There are some requirements for eligibility which include having a third or fourth year standing, having a minimum GPA of 9.0 and be a part of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. FASS research internship is a great opportunity for students to have a paid research opportunity in the research setting whilst gaining valuable experience and knowledge in an area they are interested in.
More information can be found at: https://carleton.ca/fass/current-students/undergraduate-summer-research-internship/
Student Testimonial
“The FASS summer research internship is a great opportunity to get mentorship from faculty and learn about the research process. This has been the case for me. From writing a proposal to the final presentation, it was a chance to improve and hone my writing skills as an effective communication strategy. It is also an opportunity to get to know better the subject area which one intends to research. For those who are curious about research this is a way for them not only to contribute and learn but also to see if research is something they want to pursue in their future educational journey. There were moments when I doubted myself and moments that make one question their whys and hows. It is important to remember that you have the support of your supervisor, to reach out and brainstorm ideas to work around those normal moments in the research process. The internship has enriched my experience at Carleton and I encourage students to apply.” -Hikmet Mawi