At the Human Rights and Social Justice program we take pride in keeping in touch with all of our students, including Alumni. Below are some of the past Alumni as they share their experience in the program.

Nadeea Rahim

I entered the combined honours Human Rights program in the third year of my degree. This was a switch that I do not regret in any way. The program offered was a wide array of courses from different departments where I was able to make connections between subjects and has helped me develop critical thinking skills during my degree. With the combined honours, I was also able to continue the biology portion from my previous degree. As weird as this combination may be, what I learned from the past 2 years came to fruition with my honours research essay, where I analyzed the legacy of slavery within gynecological healthcare from the Antebellum era to today in the American context.

Human Rights and Biology also connected me to various professors that I am still in contact with. I continue to seek their support in my volunteer work, these professors include Dr. Patrizia Gentile (Human Rights), Professor Bill Skidmore (retired, Human Rights), and Dr. Root Gorelick (Biology). They encouraged challenging colonial institutions, including universities, which has helped me be successful in the initiatives I’ve pursued, since my transfer.

I am currently enrolled in the M.A. program, Migration and Diaspora Studies at Carleton University. I hope to eventually enter a Master’s in Public Health, to have a career in public health while working with refugees.