LACS is proud to announce that our first-year M.A. students Alexander Baillie, Bhreagh MacDonald, Ariel Mishkin, and Melissa Wilk presented their Master’s research proposals on April 19th, 2021. Such an excellent, generative way to conclude the Winter term!

Alexander Baillie (M.A. History with Specialization in LACS)
Research Project: “Financial Imperialism, a New Colonialism: Canadian Banks and the Caribbean 1947-57”

Bhreagh MacDonald (M.A. Political Science with Specialization in LACS)
Research Project: “Buen Vivir: CONAMAQ and the Bolivian State Between 2014 and 2020”

Ariel Mishkin (M.A. International Affairs with Specialization in LACS)
Research Project: “The War on Drug’s Impact on the Incarceration of Latin American Indigenous Women”

Melissa Wilk (M.A. International Affairs with Specialization in LACS)
Research Project: “Shock to the System: Exploring Food Systems Vulnerability and the Covid-19 Pandemic in Latin America”

Much congratulations to Alexander, Bhreagh, Ariel, and Melissa on completing this important step on your LACS Master’s research journey!

Warmest thanks to all our affiliated LACS faculty and graduate students who attended the session and offered generous feedback!