Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

“Bolivia, the End of a Cycle?” Speakers Series: Analysis of the Electoral Results

October 21, 2020 at 7:00 PM


Want to know what happened with the Bolivian elections this Sunday, but not sure where to go for analysis? We´ve got you covered with our next talk in the series, Bolivia, the end of a cycle?

Please help us spread the word and join us on WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 21 at 19:00EDT, as our panelists give us their take on the election results.   

Our guest speakers will give presentations on the “Analysis of the electoral results”:  

  • Jorge Richter, Political analyst and political scientist
  • Vladimir Torrez, Political scientist, lawyer and university professorModerated by:
  • Pedro Portugal Mollinedo, Historian and director of the digital indigenist-thought periodical Pukara.

Our first three panels were a definite success! The videos are available in Spanish here:

Please be sure to register here on Eventbrite.  * those of you who are using the old link, it will not work for Wednesday’s panel due to security concerns so please be sure to register again.

Presentations will be in Spanish with English interpretation made available (please indicate if you require it upon registering – add-ons). Free and open to the public.

Sponsored by: Americas Policy Group Canada (APG-GOPA) | Atlantic Regional Solidarity Network | Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS) |Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC)| Postgrado en Ciencias del Desarrollo, CIDES-UMSA | Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University |Department of Political Science, Carleton University| Institute of Political Economy, Carleton University | Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Carleton University | New Brunswick Media Co-op|Radio Deseo – La Paz