In October, LERRN had the pleasure of inviting filmmaker and activist Hicham Kayed to Canada to share the work of Al-Jana with a wider audience and explore ways that LERRN could support Al-Jana’s important work. Al-Jana is a member of LERRN’s Lebanon Working Group active in setting LERRN’s priorities. 

We are constantly working to amplify the voices of our partners in the Global South, which hosts 80% of the world’s refugees. In his visit, Hicham presented his film AISLE, his pictorial and oral work of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and much more. For him, oral history is a valuable way to document Palestinian history and spread awareness about the difficulties they face.

“We have to focus on these issues to let people know what happened and what’s going on for these people.” -Hicham Kayed

Check out the video below to find out more about Hicham’s visit to Canada and his important work.