PLEASE NOTE: The application period for this opportunity has closed.

Journal on Migration and Human Security - The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS)

The Journal on Migration and Human Security (JMHS) requests papers for a special collection on solutions to protracted refugee crises. The papers should provide extensive background on one or more protracted refugee population and describe the degree to which these populations have been able to avail themselves of traditional durable solutions; i.e., safe and voluntary return to their home communities, local integration, and third-country resettlement. The papers should also outline promising complementary approaches to the need for secure, permanent homes, such as expanded refugee mobility and legal migration options, privately sponsored resettlement, refugee self-reliance initiatives, and faith-based programs.

JMHS would welcome papers authored by researchers with refugee backgrounds, or co-authored by researchers and refugees or other forced migrants. These papers should include all the elements and be written in the style of JMHS papers, as set forth in the journal’s submission guidelines at

Potential authors should submit abstracts of their proposed paper (600 words or less) to the co-editors, Elizabeth Ferris ( and Donald Kerwin ( by April 1, 2022.  The co-editors will invite full submissions of eight to ten papers based on: (1) their proposed coverage of one or more protracted refugee situation; (2) the need to cover diverse populations and geographies; and (3) the authors’ knowledge of complementary and alternative solutions to protracted refugee crises.  Papers will be due July 1, 2022.

The request for papers also welcomes shorter commentaries (no longer than 2,500 words) from refugee-led organizations and communities on their experiences in protracted refugee situations, their advocacy and operational priorities in support of permanent solutions, and the ways they have organized their efforts. The co-editors hope to collect and combine these commentaries into a single paper that will part of the special collection.

The Journal on Migration and Human Security is a peer reviewed, public policy journal on international migration. It has a strong record of publishing work on forced migration, including special editions on strengthening the global refugee protection system and US refugee protection programs. Please make any inquiries regarding this special JMHS collection to the co-editors.