Call for Paper Abstracts: Who is a Refugee in the 21st Century?
March 31, 2025
We invite contributions to a Special Issue exploring “Who is a Refugee in the 21st Century?”, focusing on the lived, empirical bottom-up experiences of individuals and groups who have been (internally or internationally) displaced from their recent or original place of residence due to factors such as armed conflicts, persecutions, and natural disasters.
Topics of Interest
Authors are encouraged to explore themes such as:
- Political, social, and cultural influences on displacement
- Self-ascriptions, and situational changes over time
- The impact of (inter)national definitions of “refugee”
- On-the-ground experiences including feelings of shame and honor, financial (in)dependence, temporal aspects of displacement, legal possibilities of return, relations to other migrants, and trust in the receiving societies.
Submission Guidelines
- We welcome abstract submissions from around the world, particularly from scholars and practitioners based outside Europe and North America.
- Abstract length: 400–500 words.
- Deadline: March 31, 2025.
- Submit to:
Key Dates
- Selected abstracts will be notified by April 25th, 2025
The abstracts and the Special Issue proposal will be submitted to the Journal of Refugee Studies for publication consideration.
For more opportunities, visit LERRN Call for Papers.