Jeremy Adelman
Henry Charles Lea Professor of History; Director, Global History Lab, Princeton University
Jeremy Adelman is the Henry Charles Lea Professor of History and Director of the Global History Lab at Princeton University. Jeremy’s award-winning scholarship is global in scope, including histories of economic and legal change in independence-era Latin America, sovereignty and revolution in the Iberian Atlantic, a biography of Albert Hirschman, and the widely-used, co-authored global history textbook Worlds Together, Worlds Apart. Jeremy’s teaching is likewise global in its reach; for over a decade, the Global History Lab at Princeton has worked to include refugee and displaced learners in global history–and, more recently–research methods courses. Currently, he is working on two books. Latin America: A Global History is forthcoming with Princeton University Press; it tells the story of what we now call Latin America as an on-going regional site for worldmaking and integration from 1492 to our days. He is also working on Earth Hunger, a study of how writers and artists, diplomats and ecologists, have been wrestling with the meaning of global inter-dependence and attitudes to strangers from the 1850s to the present.