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Important Update: Email Delivery Issue

Dear participants,

Since April 2023, we have noticed a resurfacing of the Bell/Sympatico and Rogers/Yahoo email delivery issue that you may recall from last year.

Some participants with Sympatico, Bell, Rogers and/or Yahoo email addresses have reported inconsistencies in the delivery of our emails, with select emails failing to deliver, or being delivered to their junk/spam folders.  This is likely due to the heightened security settings of the domain names mentioned above and is not something that LLeaP can resolve for you.

Please note: because we use several different software packages to email participants, these domains may accept some of our emails and not others.


  1. You did not receive our usual Late Spring Registration and Last Chance to Register emails (sent in April) or
  2. You think you might not be receiving all of our emails

We strongly recommend adding our email addresses to your address book, and ‘safe senders’ or ‘allow’ list.  Please ensure you add all 3 email addresses below:


For instructions on how to do so:

For more information on the steps you can take to resolve this issue, please visit our support page: Email Delivery Issues – Lifelong Learning Program (

Your understanding is appreciated as we continue to navigate this issue. As always, we look forward to seamlessly connecting with you soon.