Worldwide, scientists are being asked to become better communicators. Wildlife research presents a unique opportunity for science communication in northern communities. Between 2007 and 2011, Environment Canada and Carleton University partnered with the Nunavut Arctic College and other agencies to provide a learning opportunity that integrated marine bird research in the territory with local traditional knowledge and the training of students. Over the course of the project, both the researchers and the educators refined the program through lessons learned including the mismatch between researcher programs and education program timing; the need for dedicated funding and time for development of the program; and, the need for adequate space and infrastructure support. This program is just one way in which northern research can integrate the needs of the local community and involve northern residents. This is an important step in enhancing long term capacity in the north.

More on this unique partnership program can be found here. Jennifer Provencher is a PhD student co-supervised with Grant Gilchrist at NWRC.