Below is a list of my refereed papers and other contributions. Feel free to contact me at either or for reprints, where available. Many are open access and can be obtained without pinging me, but I’d still like to hear from you. Also, check out my google scholar webpage. My students and collaborators are also listed in various places and several of their papers are available on request. See research interests section for the headings for these contributions (which herein are unsorted).

Refereed Contributions

Book chapters

Smith PA, Dauncey SA, Gilchrist HG, Forbes MR. 2012. The influence of weather on shorebird incubation. Pp. 89-104 in C. A. Ribic, F. R. Thompson III, and P. J. Pietz (editors). Video surveillance of nesting birds. Studies in Avian Biology (no. 43), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Forbes MR, Robb T. 2008. Testing hypotheses about parasite-mediated selection using odonate hosts. pp. 175-188 In: Dragonflies: Model Organisms for Ecological and Evolutionary Research edited by Alex Córdoba-Aguilar. Oxford University Press.

Invited reviews

Poulin R, Forbes MR. 2011. Meta-analysis and research on host-parasite interactions: past and future. Evolutionary Ecolology, in press

Magalhães S, Forbes MR, Skoracka A, Osakabe M, Chevillon C, McCoy KD. 2007. Host race formation and biodiversity in the Acari. Experimental and Applied Acarology 42:225-238.

Forbes MR. 2007. On sex differences in optimal immunity. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22:111-113.

Other Journal papers

Knee W, Beaulieu F, Skevington JH, Kelso S, Forbes MR. Cryptic species of mites associated with burying beetles. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, in press.

Sánchez-Guillén RA, Cordoba-Aguilar A, Forbes MR. Maintenance of polymorphic females: do parasites play a role? Oecologia, in press

Morrill A, Forbes MR. Random parasite encounters coupled with condition-linked immunity of hosts generate parasite aggregation. International Journal for Parasitology, in press.

Knee W, Beaulieu F, Skevington JH, Kelso S, Cognato AI, Forbes MR. 2012. Species boundaries and host range of tortoise mites (Uropodoidea) phoretic on bark beetles (Scolytinae), using morphometric and molecular markers. PLoS ONE, in press.

Mylnarek JJ, Hassall C, Forbes MR. Higher gregarine parasitism often in sibling species of host damselflies with smaller geographic distributions. Ecological Entomology, in press.

Locke S, Bulte G, Forbes MR, Marcogliese D. Estimating diet in individual Lepomis gibbosus using stomach contents, stable isotopes and parasites Journal Fish Biology in press

Smith PA, Tulp I, Schekkerman H, Gilchrist HG, Forbes MR. Shorebird incubation behavior and its influence on the risk of nest predation. Animal Behaviour, in press.

Dare OK, Forbes MR. Do invasive bullfrogs in Victoria BC show evidence of parasite release? Journal of Helminthology, in press.

Robinson SA, Lajeunesse MJ, Forbes MR. A meta-analysis of sex differences in mercury contamination of birds challenges conventional wisdom. Environmental Science and Technology, in press.

Bulte G, Robinson SA, Forbes MR, Marcogliese DJ. Is there such a thing as a parasite free lunch? The direct and indirect consequences of eating invasive prey. EcoHealth, in press.

Iverson SA, Reed ET, Hughes RJ, Forbes M. Managing temperate-breeding Canada geese: the effect of increased harvest on survival and population growth. Journal of Wildlife Management, Manuscript ID: JWM-11-0291 (revised and resubmitted).

Knee W, Hartzenberg T, Forbes MR, Beaulieu, F. 2012. The natural history of mesostigmatic mites associated with the white-spotted sawyer beetle, Monochamus scutellatus (Cerambycidae): diversity, phenology, host attachment, and sex bias. Canadian Entomologist, in press.

Forbes MR, Mlynarek JJ, Allison J, Hecker KR. 2012. Seasonality of gregarine parasitism in the damselfly, Nehalennia irene: understanding unimodal patterns Parasitology Research 110:245-250.

Descamps S, Jenouvrier S, Gilchrist HG, Forbes MR. 2012. Avian cholera, a threat to the viability of an arctic seabird colony? PLoS ONE, in press.

Gonzalez-Tokman DM, Cordoba-Aguilar A, Forbes MR. 2012. Effect of juvenile hormone analog in a natural host-parasite system. Evolutionary Ecology, in press.

Mlynarek J, Bert DG, Peralta-Vazquez GH, James JA, Forbes MR. 2011. Relationships between gregarine infection in damselflies, wetland type, and landscape characteristics. Canadian Entomologist. 143: 460-469.

Nagel L, Mlynarek JJ, Forbes MR. 2011. Immune response to nylon filaments in two damselfly species that differ in their resistance to ectoparasitic mites. Ecological Entomologist 36: 736-743.

Buttler EI, Gilchrist HG, Descamps S, Forbes MR, Soos C. 2011. Handling stress of female common eiders during avian cholera outbreaks. Journal of Wildlife Management 75: 283-288.

Descamps S, Forbes MR, Gilchrist HG, Love OP, Bety J. 2011. Avian cholera, post-hatching survival and selection on hatch characteristics in a long-lived bird, the common eider Somateria mollisima. Journal of Avian Biology 42: 39-48.

Mallory ML, Forbes MR. 2011. Nest shelter predicts nesting success but not nesting phenology or parental behaviors. Journal of Ornithology 152:119-126.

Nagel L, Zanuttig M, Forbes M. R. 2011. Escape of parasitic water mites from dragonfly predators attacking their damselfly hosts. Canadian Journal of Zoology 89: 213-218.

Robinson SA, Forbes MR, Hebert CE, Scheuhammer AM. 2011. Evidence for sex differences in mercury dynamics in double-crested cormorants. Environmental Science and Technology 45: 1213-1218.

Descamps S, Yoccoz NG, Gaillard J, Gilchrist HG, Erikstad KE, Hanssen SA, Cazelles B, Forbes MR, Bety J. 2010. Detecting population heterogeneity in effects of North Atlantic Oscillations on seabird body condition: Get into the rhythm. Oikos 119: 1526-1536.

Mallory ML, Karnovsky NJ, Gaston AJ, Hobson KA, Provencher JF, Forbes MR, Hunt GL Jr., Byers T, Dick TA. 2010. Temporal and spatial patterns in the diet of northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis in the Canadian high arctic. Aquatic Biology 10: 181-191.

Mallory ML, Robinson SA, Hebert CE, Forbes MR. 2010. Seabirds as indicators of aquatic ecosystem conditions: A case for gathering multiple proxies of seabird health. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60: 7-12.

Nagel L, Zanuttig M, Forbes MR. 2010. Selection on mite engorgement size affects mite spacing, host damselfly flight, and host resistance. Evolutionary Ecology Research 12: 653-665.

Nagel L, Robb T, Forbes MR. 2010. Inter-annual variation in prevalence and intensity of mite parasitism relates to appearance and expression of damselfly resistance. BMC Ecology 10:5.

Robinson SA, Forbes MR, Hebert CE. 2010. Mercury in parasitic nematodes and trematodes and their double-crested cormorant hosts: Bioaccumulation in the face of sequestration by nematodes. Science of the Total Environment 408: 5439-5444.

Robinson SA, Forbes MR, Hebert CE, McLauglin JD. 2010. Male biased parasitism in cormorants and relationships with foraging ecology on lake Erie, Canada. Waterbirds 33: 307-313.

Smith PA, Gilchrist, HG, Forbes MR, Martin J, Allard K. 2010. Inter-annual variation in the breeding chronology of arctic shorebirds: Effects of weather, snow melt and predators. Journal of Avian Biology 41: 292-304.

Dare OK, Forbes MR. 2009. Patterns of trematode and nematode lungworm infections in northern leopard frogs and wood frogs from Ontario, Canada. Journal of Helminthology 83: 339-343.

Dare OK, Forbes MR. 2009. Patterns of infection by lungworms, Rhabdias ranae and Haematoloechus spp., in northern leopard frogs: A relationship between sex and parasitism. Journal of Parasitology 95: 275-280.

Descamps S, Gilchrist HG, Bety J, Buttler EI, Forbes MR. 2009. Costs of reproduction in a long-lived bird: Large clutch size is associated with low survival in the presence of a highly virulent disease. Biology Letters 5: 278-281.

Iserbyt A, Bots J, Ting JJ, Jvostov FP, Forbes MR, Sherratt TN, Van Gossum H. 2009. Multi-annual variation in female morph frequencies of the polymorphic damselfly, Nehalennia irene, at continental and regional scales. Animal Biology 59: 313-326.

James JA, Bert DG, Forbes MR. 2009. Wetland type differentially affects ectoparasitic mites and their damselfly hosts. Ecography 32: 800-806.

Mallory ML, Forbes MR, Ankney CD, Alisauskas RT. 2009. Nutrient dynamics and constraints on the pre-laying exodus of high arctic northern fulmars. Aquatic Biology 4: 211-223.

Mallory ML, Gaston AJ, Forbes MR, Gilchrist HG. 2009. Factors influencing colony attendance by northern fulmars in the Canadian high arctic. Arctic 62: 151-158.

Mallory ML, Gaston AJ, Forbes MR, Gilchrist HG. 2009. Influence of weather on reproductive success of northern fulmars in the Canadian high arctic. Polar Biology 32: 529-538.

Nagel L, Robb T, Forbes MR. 2009. Parasite-mediated selection amidst marked inter-annual variation in mite parasitism and damselfly life history traits. Ecoscience 16: 265-270.

Norman K, Cappuccino N, Forbes MR. 2009. Parasitism of a successful weed biological control agent, Neogalerucella calmariensis. Canadian Entomologist 141: 609-613.

Robinson SA, Forbes MR, Hebert CE. 2009. Parasitism, mercury contamination, and stable isotopes in fish-eating double-crested cormorants: No support for the co-ingestion hypothesis. Canadian Journal of Zoology 87: 740-747.

Robinson SA, Forbes MR, Hebert CE. 2008. Is the ingestion of small stones by double-crested cormorants a self-medication behavior? Condor 110: 782-785.

Dare OK, Nadler SA, Forbes MR. 2008. Nematode lungworms of two species of anuran amphibians: Evidence for co-adaptation. International Journal for Parasitology 38: 1729-1736.

Mallory ML, Gaston AJ, Forbes MR, Gilchrist HG, Cheney B, Lewis S, Thompson PM. 2008. Flexible incubation rhythm in northern fulmars: a comparison between oceanographic zones. Marine Biology 154:1031-1040.

Koprivnikar J, Forbes MR, Baker RL. 2008. Larval amphibian growth and development under varying density: Are parasitized individuals poor competitors? Oecologia 155:641-649.

Dare O, Forbes MR. 2008. Rates of development in male and female wood frogs and patterns of parasitism by lung nematodes. Parasitology 135:385-393.

Mallory ML, Forbes MR. 2008. Costly pre-laying behaviours and physiological expenditures by northern fulmars in the high arctic. Ecoscience 15: 545-554.

McCurdy DG, Painter DC, Kopec MT, Lancaster D, Cook KA, Forbes MR. 2008. Reproductive behavior of intersexes of an intertidal amphipod Corophium volutator. Invertebrate Biology 127: 417-425.

Robinson SA, Forbes MR, Hebert CE, McLaughlin JD. 2008. Male-biased parasitism by common helminths is not explained by sex differences in body size or spleen mass of breeding cormorants Phalacrocorax auritus. Journal of Avian Biology 39:272-276.

Van Gossum H, Robb T, Forbes MR, Rasmussen L. 2008. Female-limited polymorphism in a widespread damselfly: morph frequencies, male density and phenotypic similarity of andromorphs to males. Canadian Journal of Zoology 86:1131-1138.

Mallory ML, Forbes MR. 2008. Does sea-ice constrain the breeding schedules of high arctic northern fulmars? Condor 109: 894-906.

Allard KA, Mallory ML, Wilcox KL, Forbes MR. 2008. Pre-basic moult initiation and progress in northern fulmars of the high arctic: do moult and breeding overlap? Polar Biology 31:181-188.

Koprivnikar J, Baker RL, Forbes MR. 2007. Environmental factors influencing community composition of gastropods and their trematode parasites in southern Ontario. Journal of Parasitology 93:992-998.

Rutherford PL, Baker RL, Forbes MR. 2007. Do larval damselflies make adaptive choices when exposed to both parasites and predators? Ethology 113:1073-1080.

Mautner SI, Cook K, Forbes MR, McCurdy DG, Dunn AO. 2007. Sex distortion of amphipods by a novel microsporidian parasite. Parasitology 134:1567-1573.

Mallory ML, McLaughlin D, Forbes MR. 2007. Breeding status, contaminant burden and helminth parasites of northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis from the Canadian high arctic. Ibis 149:338-344.

Edwards DB, Forbes MR. 2007. Absence of protandry in the spring migration of a population of song sparrows Melospiza melodia. Ibis 149:715-720.

Koprivnikar J, Baker RL, Forbes MR. 2007. Contaminant effects on host-parasite interactions: atrazine, frogs, and trematodes. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26: 2166-2170.

Van Gossum H, Beirinckx K, Forbes MR, Sherratt TN. 2007. Do current hypotheses explain continental and seasonal variation in female morph frequencies of the damselfly, Nehalennia irene? Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 90:501-508.

Van Gossum H, Beirinckx K, Forbes MR, Sherratt TN. 2007. Reproductive interference between Nehalennia damselfly species. Ecoscience 14:1-7.

Koprivnikar J, Forbes MR, Baker RL. 2006. On the efficacy of anti-parasite behaviour: a case study of tadpole susceptibility of cercariae of Echinostoma trivolvis. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:1623-1629.

Robb T, Forbes MR. 2006. Age dependent induction of immunity and subsequent survival costs in males and females of a temperate damselfly. BMC 6:15.

Forbes MR, McRuer DL, Shutler D. 2006. White blood cell profiles of breeding American toads (Bufo americanus) relative to sex and body size. Comparative Clinical Pathology 15:155-159.

Koprivnikar J, Baker RL, Forbes MR. 2006. Environmental factors influencing trematode prevalence in grey tree frog (Hyla versicolor) tadpoles in Southern Ontario. Journal of Parasitology 92:997-1001.

Dare O, Rutherford PL, Forbes MR. 2006. Rearing density and susceptibility of Rana pipiens metamorphs to cercariae of a digenetic trematode. Journal of Parasitology 92:543-547.

Mallory ML, Braune BM, Forbes MR. 2006. Contaminant concentrations in breeding and non-breeding northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis L.) from the Canadian high arctic. Chemosphere 64: 1541-1544.

Mallory ML, Forbes, MR, Galloway TD. 2006. Ectoparasites of northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis (Procellariiformes: Procellariidae) from the Canadian Arctic. Polar Biology 29: 353-357.

Forbes MR, McCurdy DG, Mautner S, Lui K, Boates JS. 2006. Evidence for seasonal mate limitation in populations of an intertidal amphipod, Corophium volutator (Pallas). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 60:87-95.

Beirinckx K, Van Gossum H, Lajeunesse, MJ, Forbes MR. 2006. Sex biases in dispersal and philopatry: insights from a meta-analysis on capture-mark-recapture studies of damselflies. Oikos 113:539-547.

Edwards DB, Mallory ML, Forbes MR. 2006. Variation in baseline haematology of northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) in the Canadian high arctic. Comparative Clinical Pathology 14:206-209.

Robb T, Van Gossum H, Forbes MR. 2006. Colour variation in female Lestes disjunctus Selys: a second example of a polymorphic lestid (Zygoptera: Lestidae). Odonatologica 35:31-39.

McGuffin MA, Baker RL, Forbes MR. 2006. Detection and avoidance of fish predators by adult Enallagma damselflies. Journal of Insect Behavior 19:77-91.

Koprivnikar J, Forbes MR, Baker RL. 2006. Effects of atrazine on cercarial longevity, activity, and infectivity. Journal of Parasitology 92:306-311.

Robb T, Forbes, MR. 2006. Sex biases in parasitism of newly emerged damselflies. Écoscience 13:1-4.

Mallory ML, Forbes MR. 2005. Sex discrimination and measurement bias in northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) from the Canadian arctic. Ardea 93:25-36.

McCurdy DG, Forbes MR, Logan SP, Lancaster D, Mautner SI. 2005. Foraging and impacts by benthic fish on the intertidal amphipod Corophium volutator. Journal of Crustacean Biology 25: 558-264.

Rashed A, Beatty C, Forbes MR, Sherratt TN. 2005. Prey selection by dragonflies in relation to prey size and wasp-like colours and patterns. Animal Behaviour 70:1195-1202

Robb T, Forbes MR. 2005. On understanding seasonal increases in damselfly defence and resistance against mites. Ecological Entomology 30:334-341.

Robb T, Forbes MR. 2005. Success of ectoparasites: how important is timing of host contact? Biology Letters 1:118-120.

Baker RL, Leung B, Forbes MR. 2004. Diet of nymphs affects normal wing development in Ischnura verticalis (Coenagrionidae: Odonata). Canadian Entomologist 136:749-751

McCurdy DG, Forbes MR, Logan SP, Kopec M, Mautner S. 2004. The functional significance of interesexes in the intertidal amphipod, Corophium volutator. Journal of Crustacean Biology 24:261-265.

Lajeunesse MJ, Forbes MR, Smith BP. 2004. Species and sex biases in ectoparasitism of two dragonfly hosts by mites. Oikos 106:501-508.

Rutherford PL, McRuer DL, Forbes MR. Condition and immune traits of frogs from Ontario baitshops: Risks of practice not ameliorated by sale of healthy frogs. Herpetological Review 36:129-133.

Robb T, Forbes MR, Jamieson IG. 2004. Engorgement success of parasitic mites on adult sexes of the colour polymorphic mountain stone weta. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 31:249-254.

Forbes MR, Rutherford PL, McRuer DL. 2004. Prevalence of Aeromonas hydrophila in relation to timing and duration of breeding in three species of ranid frogs. Ecoscience 11:282-285.

Robb T, Forbes MR, Jamieson IG. 2004. Greater cuticular melanism is not associated with greater immunogenic responses in adults of the mountain stone weta, Hemideina maori Ecological Entomology 28:738-746.

Forbes MR, Muma KE, Smith BP. 2004. Recapture of male and female dragonflies in relation to parasitism by mites, time of season, wing length and wing cell asymmetry. Experimental and Applied Acarology 34:79-93.

Wong A, Smith ML, Forbes MR. 2003. Differentiation between subpopulations of a polychromatic damselfly with respect to morph frequencies, but not neutral genetic markers. Molecular Ecology 12:3505-3513.

Lajeunesse MJ, Forbes MR 2003. Variable reporting and quantitative reviews: a comparison of three meta-analytical techniques Ecology Letters 6:448-454.

Lajeunesse MJ, Forbes MR. 2003. A comparison of structural size and condition in two female morphs of the damselfly, Nehalennia irene (Hagen). Odonatologica 32:281-287.

Yourth CP, Forbes MR, Baker RL. 2002. Sex differences in melanotic encapsulation responses (immunocompetence) in the damselfly, Lestes forcipatus Rambur. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80:1568-1583.

Lajeunesse MJ, Forbes MR. 2002. Host range and local parasite adaptation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 269:703-710.

Hecker KR, Forbes MR, Léonard NJ. 2002. Parasitism of Enallagma boreale damselflies by gregarines: sex biases and relations to adult survivorship. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80:162-168.

Schalk G, Forbes MR, Weatherhead PJ. 2002. Phenotypic plasticity in green frog (Rana clamitans) embryos and hatchlings: effects of a leech (Macrobdella decora) predator. Copeia 2:445-449.

Forbes MR, Muma KE, Smith BP. 2002. Diffuse coevolution: constraints on a generalist parasite favor use of a dead-end host. Ecography 25:345-351.

Yourth CP, Forbes MR, Smith BP. 2002. Immune expression in a damselfly is related to time of season and not to fluctuating asymmetry or host size. Ecological Entomology 27:123-128.

Sherratt TN, Forbes MR. 2001. Sexual differences in coloration of Coenagrionid damselflies (Odonata): case of intraspecific aposematism? Animal Behaviour 62:653-660.

McCurdy DG, Boates JS, Forbes MR. 2001. An empirical model of the optimal timing of reproduction for female amphipods infected by trematodes. Journal of Parasitology 87:24-30.

Leung B, Forbes MR, Baker RL. 2001. Nutritional stress and behavioural immunity of damselflies. Animal Behaviour 61:1093-1099.

Yourth CP, Forbes MR, Smith BP. 2001. On understanding variation in immune expression of the damselflies Lestes spp. Canadian Journal of Zoology 79:815-821.

Wong A, Forbes MR, Smith ML. 2001. Characterization of AFLP markers in an insect: prevalence of co-dominant markers and implications for population genetic applications. Genome 44:677-684.

Jamieson IJ, Forbes MR, McKnight EB. 2000. Mark-recapture study of mountain stone weta Hemideina maori (Orthoptera: Anastostomatidae) on rock tor ‘islands’. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 24:209-214.

Leung B, Forbes MR, Houle DT. 2000. Fluctuating asymmetry as a bio-indicator of stress: comparing efficacy of analyses. American Naturalist 155:100-115.

McCurdy DG, Forbes MR, Boates JS. 2000. Male amphipods increase their mating effort before behavioral manipulation by trematodes. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78:606-612.

McCurdy DG, Boates JS, Forbes MR. 2000. Spatial distribution of the intertidal snail Ilyanassa obsoleta in relation to parasitism by two species of trematodes. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78:1137-1143.

Forbes MR, Alisauskas RT, McLauchlin D, Cuddington K. 1999. Explaining co-occurrence among helminth species of lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens) during their winter and spring migration. Oecologia 120:613-620.

Forbes MR, Muma KE, Smith BP. 1999. Parasitism of Sympetrum dragonflies by Arrenurus planus mites: maintenance of resistance particular to one species. International Journal for Parasitology 29:991-999.

Léonard NJ, Forbes MR, Baker RL. 1999. Effects of Limnochares americana (Hydrachnida: Limnocharidae) mites on life history traits and grooming behavior of its damselfly host, Enallagma ebrium (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 77:1615-1622.

Leung B, Baker RL, Forbes MR. 1999. Grooming decisions by damselflies, age-specific colonization by water mites, and the probability of successful parasitism. International Journal for Parasitology 29:397-402.

McCurdy DG, Boates JS, Forbes MR. 1999. Reproductive synchrony in the intertidal amphipod Corophium volutator. Oikos 88:301-308.

McCurdy DG, Forbes MR, Boates JS. 1999. Evidence that the parasitic nematode Skrjabinoclava manipulates host Corophium behaviour to increase transmission to the sandpiper, Calidris pusilla. Behavioral Ecology 10:351-357.

McCurdy DG, Forbes MR, Boates JS. 1999. Testing alternative hypotheses for variation in amphipod behaviour and life history in relation to parasitism. International Journal for Parasitology 29:1001-1009.

Leung B, Forbes MR. 1998. The evolution of virulence: A stochastic model examining parasitism at individual and population levels. Evolutionary Ecology 12:165-177.

Drover S, Leung B, Forbes MR, Mallory ML, McNicol DK. 1998. Consequences of lake pH and aluminum concentration for developmental stability of the water strider, (Rheumatobates rileyi) (Hemiptera: Gerridae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 77:157-161.

McCurdy DG, Shutler D, Mullie A, Forbes MR. 1998. Sex-biased parasitism of avian hosts: relations to blood parasite taxon and mating system. Oikos 82:303-312.

Forbes MR, Schalk G, Miller JG, Richardson JML. 1997. Male-female morph interactions in the damselfly, Nehalennia irene (Hagen). Canadian Journal of Zoology 75:253-260.

Kissner KJ, Forbes MR, Secoy DM. 1997. Rattling behavior of prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis viridis, Viperidae) in relation to sex, reproductive status, body size and body temperature. Ethology 103:1042-1050.

Leung B, Forbes MR. 1997. Fluctuating asymmetry in relation to indices of quality and fitness in the damselfly, Enallagma ebrium (Hagen). Oecologia 110:472-477.

Leung B, Forbes MR. 1997. Modeling fluctuating asymmetry in relation to stress and fitness. Oikos 78:397-405.

McCurdy DG, Boates JS, Forbes MR. 1997. Diurnal and nocturnal foraging by semi-palmated sandpipers, Calidris pusilla Journal of Avian Biology 28:353-356.

Gummer D, Forbes MR, Bender DJ, Barclay RMR. 1997. Botfly (Diptera: Oestridae) parasitism of Ord’s kangaroo rats (Dipodomys ordii) at Suffield National Wildlife Area, Alberta, Canada. Journal of Parasitology 83:601-604.

Kissner KJ, Secoy DM, Forbes MR. 1997. Sexual dimorphism in size of cloacal glands of the garter snake, Thamnophis radix haydeni. Journal of Herpetology 32:268-270.

Schalk G, Forbes MR. 1997. Male biases in parasitism of mammals: effects of study type, host age, and parasite taxon. Oikos 78:67-74.

Forbes MR, Boates JS, McNeil NL, Brison AE. 1996. Mate searching by males of the intertidal amphipod, Corophium volutator (Pallas). Canadian Journal of Zoology 74:1479-1485.

Forbes MR. 1996. More on parasitism and host reproductive effort. Oikos 75:321-322.

Forbes MR, Leung B, Schalk G. 1996. Fluctuating asymmetry in Coenagrion resolutum in relation to age and male pairing success (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica 26:9-16.

Leung B, Forbes MR. 1996. Fluctuating asymmetry in relation to stress and fitness: effects of trait types as revealed by meta-analysis. Écoscience 3:400-413.

Boates JS, Forbes MR, Zinck M, McNeil N. 1995. Male amphipods (Corophium volutator [Pallas]) show flexible behaviour in relation to risk of predation by sandpipers. Écoscience 2:123-128.

Forbes MR, Richardson JML, Baker RL.1995. Frequency of female morphs is related to an index of male density in the damselfly, Nehalennia irene (Hagen). Écoscience 2:28-33.

Sutter GC, Troupe T, Forbes MR. 1995. Abundance of Baird’s sparrows, Ammodramus bairdii, in native prairie and introduced vegetation. Écoscience 2:344-349.

Weatherhead PJ, Barry FE, Brown GP, Forbes MR. 1995. Sex ratios, mating behaviour, and sexual size dimorphism of the northern water snake. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 36:301-311.

Forbes MR, Leung B. 1995. Pre-fabricated dining shelters as outdoor insectaries, an assessment using Enallagma ebrium (Hagen) (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae).Odonatologica 24:461-466.

Schneider SD, Boates JS, Forbes MR. 1994. Sex ratios of Corophium volutator (Pallas) (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in Bay of Fundy populations. Canadian Journal of Zoology 72:1915-1921.

Forbes MR, Weatherhead PJ, Bennett GF. 1994. Blood parasites of blue grouse: variation in prevalence and patterns of interspecific association. Oecologia 97:520-526.

Forbes MR, Teather KL. 1994. Variation in attraction of male Enallagma ebrium (Hagen) to two female morphs (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica 23:103-114.

Forbes MR, Clark RG, Weatherhead PJ, Armstrong T. 1994. Risk-taking by female ducks: intra- and interspecific tests of nest defense theory. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 34:79-85.

Forbes MR. 1994. Tests of hypotheses for female-limited polymorphism in the damselfly,Enallagma boreale Selys. Animal Behaviour 47:724-726.

Weatherhead PJ, Forbes MR. 1994. Natal philopatry in passerine birds: genetic or ecological influences? Behavioral Ecology 5:426-433.

Sherry DF, Forbes MR, Ivy GO, Khurgel M. 1993. Females have a larger hippocampus than males in the brood-parasitic brown-headed cowbird. Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences (USA) 90: 7839-7843.

Forbes MR. 1993. Parasitism and host reproductive effort. Oikos 67:444-450.

Baker RL, Forbes MR, Proctor HP. 1992. Sexual differences in development and behaviour of larval Ischnura verticalis (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 70: 1161-1165.

Forbes MR, Pagola H, Baker RL. 1992. Causes of non-random pairing by size in the brine shrimp, Artemia salina: (Crustacea: Anostraca). Oecologia 86:335-341.

Forbes MR, Baker RL. 1991. Condition and fecundity of the damselfly, Enallagma ebrium (Hagen): the importance of ectoparasites. Oecologia 86:335-341.

Forbes MR. 1991. Ectoparasites and mating success of male Enallgama ebrium damselflies (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Oikos 60:336-343.

Forbes MR. 1991. Female morphs of the damselfly Enallagma boreale Selys (Odonata: Coenagrionidae): a benefit for androchromatypes. Canadian Journal of Zoology 61:1969-1970.

Forbes MR, Baker RL. 1990. Susceptibility to parasitism: experiments with the damselfly Enallagma ebrium (Odanata: Coenagrionidae) and larval water mites, Arrenurus spp. (Acari: Arrenuridae). Oikos 58:61-68.

Forbes MR, Baker RL. 1989. Abnormal tarsi of adult zygopteran: genetic abnormalities or incomplete regeneration? Odonatologica 28: 199-203.

Forbes MR, Barkhouse HP, Smith PC. 1989. Nest-site selection by pied-billed grebes, Podilymbus podiceps. Ornis Scandinavica 20: 211-218.

Forbes MR, Ankney CD. 1988. Nest attendance by adult pied-billed grebes, Podilymbus podiceps (L.). Canadian Journal of Zoology 66:2019-2023.

Forbes MR, Ankney CD. 1988. Intraclutch variation in egg weights of pied-billed grebes. Condor 90: 709-711.

Forbes MR, Ankney CD. 1987. Hatching asynchrony and food allocation within broods of pied-billed grebes Podilymbus podiceps. Canadian Journal of Zoology 65:2872-2877.

Forbes MR. 1987. Extra-pair feeding in pied-billed grebes. Wilson Bulletin 97:109-111.

Notes or short communications

Nagel L, Robb T and Forbes MR. 2010. Parasite-mediated selection amidst marked inter-annual variation in mite parasitism and damselfly life history traits (vol 16, pg 265, 2009). Ecoscience 17: 343.

Robinson SA, Forbes MR and Hebert CE. 2010. Parasitism, mercury contamination, and stable isotopes in fish-eating double-crested cormorants: No support for the co-ingestion hypothesis (vol 87, pg 740, 2009). Canadian Journal of Zoology 88: 508-509.

McCurdy DG, Cook KA, Forbes MR. 2005 Brood sizes and egg sizes of the intertidal amphipod Corophium volutator in relation to season and density. Integrative and Comparative Biology 45: 1166.

McCurdy DG, Forbes MR, Mautner SI, Cook K, Logan SL, Lancaster D. 2005. Are female-biased sex ratios in a key amphipod caused by male-biased predation or sex-distorting parasites? Integrative and Comparative Biology 44: 727.

Non-refereed contributions

Forbes MR. 2002. Evaluating two petitions for release of biocontrols. Under contract for Environment Canada. — 6 pp.

Forbes MR. 2001. Evaluating seven petitions for release of biocontrols. Under contract for Environment Canada. — 20 pp.

Forbes MR. 2000. Prioritizing species at risk and endangered ecosystems. Under contract for Environment Canada. — 28 pp.

Forbes MR, Hawco S, McCracken H. 2000. Ecosystem Plan for Pelee Island, World Wildlife Fund Final Report –18pp.

Forbes MR, Schalk G, Hawco S, Prior K. 1999. Ecosystem Plan for Pelee Island, World Wildlife Fund Interim Report — 85pp.

Forbes MR, Sutter GT, Brigham RM. 1995. Reproductive ecology of Baird’s sparrow, Ammodramus bairdii in native mixed-grass prairie and pasture-improved habitats near Matador, Saskatchewan. World Wildlife Fund Canada progress report. — 28pp

Miller G, Forbes MR. 1995. Control of mosquitoes in Regina, Saskatchewan: an integrated approach. Report to City of Regina, Integrated Pest Management. — 37pp.

Kissner KJ, Forbes MR, Secoy DM. 1995. Conservation ecology of prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis viridis) in Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Heritage Report — 33 pp.

Forbes MR. 1986. On the status of the endangered giant pied-billed grebe, Podilymbus gigas. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service report. — 27 pp

Plus 2 pre-1995 reports to Environment Canada and one report to World Wildlife Fund and US Fish and Wildlife Service.

Forbes MR 2001. Review of Corbet PS. Dragonflies: Behavior and Ecology of Odonata. Comstock Publ. Assoc. of Cornell University Press, 1999. ISBN 0-8014-2592-1 829 pp. [For International Society of Limnologists]