Dr. Tonia Robb was a PhD in my lab. She is now Regional Office Manager/Aquatic Biologist at Rescan Environmental Services Ltd
Dr. Marc Lajeunesse an u/g and M.Sc. in my lab (now on faculty as Univ. South Fla.).
Dr. Brian Leung my first ever PhD student (now on faculty at McGill Univ.).
Dr. Dean McCurdy my first PhD student working on mudshrimp (now on faculty at Albion College, MI).
Ms. Kathryn Normal (MSc) was co-supervisd with Naomi Cappuccino. She (Kathryn) is now a project co-ordinator in a population health research lab.
Dr. Wayne Knee. Got a job before finishing his PhD (now working for ECORC).
Dr. Mark Mallory Did his Phd in my lab while employed by Env Can (now NSERC Tier II CRC at Acadia Univ.).
Dr. Janet Koprivnikar was co-supervised by myself and Dr. Rob Baker (Univ. Toronto). Janet now holds a faculty position at Ryerson University.
Dr. Greg Bulté was a recent PDF in my lab working on all manner of things. He now teaches at Carleton Univ.
Dr. Laura Nagel was a recent NSERC PDF in my lab. She is now Assistant Adjunct Professor at Queens Univ.

Dr. Yemisi Dare

Oluwayemisi Dare was a PhD student working on causes of variation in parasitism in amphibian populations. She is now a National Coordinator and Research Lead for enhanced (biological and behavioural) disease surveillance programs, run by the Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control at the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Dr. Paul Smith

Paul’s research concerns determinants of nest success in arctic breeding birds. Paul has studied arctic-breeding shorebirds for the past few years and has uncovered some interesting patterns of nest depredation in relation to whether species show biparental versus uniparental care, availability of various predators (principally arctic fox and jaegars), and whether alternative prey such as lemmings are present in abundance. One of his sites is Coats Island. Like other shorebird researchers, Paul is acutely aware that shorebird numbers are declining in North America and he has questioned whether site-specific rates of reproductive output are sufficient to maintain local populations. Paul is now a research scientist with Environment Canada at the National Wildlife Research Centre.

Ms. Isabel Buttler

Isabel Buttler has undertaken M.Sc. studies on the impacts of avian Cholera on colony dynamics of arctic-breeding eiders. She is pictured below holding a drake common eider. Isabel has questioned how the composition of an arctic colony on East Bay Island has changed following an outbreak of this bacterial disease. She is interested in how many birds have died, whether different races of eiders have been more susceptible, how the paucity of adult birds might influence chick adoption, and the extent to which the mass mortality events have attracted opportunistic scavengers like gulls and polar bears.

Dr. Stacey Robinson

Stacey Robinson, a PhD student co-supervised with Craig Hebert, was recently hired as a research scientist with Environment Canada at the National Wildlife Research Centre. She will be working on research into the effects of pesticides on wildlife and the environment. In the past, she traveled to Iqaluit, Nunavut to teach first and second year Environmental Technology Program students from the Nunavut Arctic college how to dissect thick-billed murres and prepare tissue samples for various analyses (e.g. stomach content analysis, stable-isotopes, and parasitism). This opportunity was a part of the International Polar Year Program (funded by a grant to Dr. Tony Gaston) and was designed to contribute knowledge and skills to the local community. Stacey found the Inuit students very keen about current Arctic biological research and eager to dissect the murres.