Extracellular matrix (ECM) from human airway. Blue: fibrilar collagen (second harmonic generation, SHG). Green: elastin (two-photon excitation fluorescence, TPEF).Rabbit artery imaged using nonlinear optical microscopy. Blue: fibrilar collagen (second harmonic generation, SHG). Green: elastin (two-photon excitation fluorescence, TPEF). Red: lipid-rich cells (coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, CARS).Adipose-derived stem cells from mice. Red: lipid-rich structures, imaged using Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering – CARS)Human airway imaged using confocal and nonlinear optical microscopy. Red: Nuclei (propidium iodide). Green: f-actin (fluorescein isothiocyanate). Purple: fibrilar collagen (no staining, SHG).Asthmatic human airway imaged using micro Raman spectroscopy. Red: lipids. Blue: proteins. Green: glycansHuman airway wall. Red: Nuclei (propidium iodide). Green: f-actin (fluorescein isothiocyanate). Purple: fibrilar collagen (no staining, SHG).Human terminal bronchiole with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) imaged using nonlinear optical microscopy. Blue: fibrillar collagen. White: elastic fibers.Human pulmonary blood vessel wall imaged using nonlinear optical microscopy. Blue: fibrillar collagen. Green: elastic fibers and auto-fluorescent structures. Share: Twitter, Facebook Short URL: https://carleton.ca/mostacoguidolin/?p=74