I am writing to let you know that the 2017 application deadline for W. Garfield Weston Graduate Fellowships will be announced in early November 2016.

Since 2009 the W. Garfield Weston Fellowship Program had supported 49 graduate students with Fellowship grants ranging from $5,000 to $20,000.

The Fellowship Program supports graduate student research relevant to WCS Canada’s conservation objectives at our two long-term conservation sites: the boreal region of northern Ontario and the northern boreal mountains of Yukon and British Columbia.

Please circulate this funding opportunity to all graduate students with relevant areas of research.

Please contact me directly if you have any questions about the Fellowship Program.



For more information go to: http://www.wcscanada.org/Fellowships.aspx .

Gillian Woolmer

Assistant Director

Wildlife Conservation Society Canada

344 Bloor Street West, Suite 204

Toronto, ON  M5S 3A7

416-850-9038 x24

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Purpose: To advance Wildlife Conservation Society Canada’s conservation goals at two long-term sites, the Northern Boreal Mountains (Yukon/British Columbia) and Ontario’s Northern Boreal, by generating relevant scientific information.

With generous support from The W. Garfield Weston Foundation, Wildlife Conservation Society Canada (WCS Canada) is pleased to offer research fellowships to graduate students (Master’s and Doctoral). These fellowship awards are intended to:

Support research that is relevant to WCS Canada’s conservation objectives (see pp. 4-5) at our two long-term sites in the boreal region of Northern Ontario, and the Northern Boreal Mountains of Yukon and British Columbia. Research that takes place outside of these sites, but that generates relevant conservation information may also be eligible.

Provide all or partial funding for graduate-level, field research activities for students to carry out their thesis-related research. Fellowship awards are not intended to support student stipends; however stipends and salaries for field assistants are eligible.

Fellowship Awards

WCS Canada will award one-year fellowships of between $5,000 and $20,000 each. The amount of funding awarded will be determined in part by the applicants’ financial needs and the number of applications received.

Fellowship awards are available for project activities beginning on or after April 13, 2016.


Eligible Applicants

Fellowship applicants must be pursuing a graduate degree in conservation science, or in a related field such as landscape ecology, natural resources management/conservation, conservation planning, conservation biology, environmental studies, wildlife/plant/fisheries ecology or socio-ecological studies.

Individuals that have received a WCS Canada W. Garfield Weston Foundation Fellowship award in a previous year may reapply. Applications to support an additional year of the same project will be considered. Applications from past grantees for new projects will also be considered. For example, a student that received a Fellowship award for Master’s research may submit an application to support their Ph.D. research.


Eligible Projects

The proposed research project must help advance WCS Canada’s conservation objectives at one of its two long-term sites (the boreal region of northern Ontario or the boreal mountains of Yukon and British Columbia – please see map below) or increase conservation knowledge that is relevant to one or both of these sites. Relevant research areas  include, but are not limited to, studies of: aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems; wetland, riparian, and peatland ecosystems; species management/conservation; ecosystem connectivity; ecological changes resulting from climate change; sustainable harvesting of fish and/or wildlife; and socio-ecological effects of natural resource development or management, especially cumulative effects of multiple development projects.