OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAcuNorth is the name given to our informal northern research network across campus. Students and faculty in the following departments are particularly active in undertaking research in various contexts across the Canadian North:

cuNorth – email listserv

A listserv notifying students, faculty and staff about student-relevant funding, conference, research, career, and other northern opportunities is maintained by the Northern Research Committee at Carleton. This is also the main outlet for sharing important information about Northern Scientific Training Program funding reporting and application information, as well as the annual Ottawa-Carleton Student Northern Research Symposium and other events in the Ottawa region. If you are a student receiving NSTP support, you must be subscribed. If you to wish to disseminate an announcement to the list, please email it to a member of the Northern Research Committee.

To subscribe to this list, send a blank email to join-cunorth@lists.carleton.ca; to unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-cunorth@lists.carleton.ca

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