NSTP General FAQ

View the list of NSTP Frequently Asked Questions.

NSTP Website Questions

For technical assistance or questions regarding any aspect of the NSTP website and online application/reporting system, please contact NSTP staff directly (nstp-pfsn@polar-polaire.gc.ca, 613-222-9537).

NSTP Carleton FAQ

What is the Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP)?
The Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP) is a grant program open to senior undergraduate and graduate students conducting all facets of research in the north that can be used to offset the expense of northern research. The aim of the program is to increase awareness and interest in northern research by assisting students in gaining experience and professional training in the North.

Who is eligible for the NSTP?
Senior undergraduate and graduate students who need to visit the North to complete their thesis and are Canadian citizens or permanent residents. You must be enrolled in a degree Program at a recognized Canadian university. Post-doctoral fellows are not eligible for funding through the NSTP. You cannot be allocated NSTP funds through more than one university in any research year. Funding is only available for northern research as defined by the NSTP. Please see their map to determine if your research location falls within the fundable region.

What types of research are supported by the NSTP?
NSTP funds can be used to support projects on northern topics from ALL academic disciplines (health, human/social, life and physical sciences).

What expenses can NSTP funds be used for?
NSTP funds are considered supplementary and cannot be the sole source of funding for your research. They are intended to help defray the additional expenses that are associated with northern research. These expenses can include transportation to and from Ottawa and your field site (including freight costs), living expenses (food and accommodation), and interpreter/translator fees. Funds cannot be used to cover honoraria, licencing costs or to pay for fees or living expenses in southern Canada.   Please carefully review the list of ineligible expenses that NSTP funds CANNOT be used to cover (see the NSTP Information Manual Guidelines section b, p. 4-5).

How do I apply?
To receive NSTP support, you must complete the application form through the NSTP online system. Please consult the application instructions outlined in the NSTP Information Manual for detailed information on what to include in each section, and to ensure you are complying with their rules and regulations. Once you have completed your online application, your completed forms are available electronically to the Carleton University Northern Research Committee Chairperson, who will review your application and provide feedback (if necessary) prior to the official submission to NSTP. The Northern Research Committee will then review all applications and accept them once necessary revisions are made, in order to include them in the official university submission to the NSTP National Secretariat. Do not attempt to forward your application directly to the NSTP, only University applications are accepted. Applications from individuals are not accepted.

What is the deadline for applying for NSTP funds?
The internal Carleton deadline for receipt of new applications, and reports on past funding, are due to the Carleton University Northern Research Committee on November 1, 2023.

Where do I find an application form?
The forms are available through the NSTP online system. If you have not yet created an account, you must do so prior to starting an application or report.

Where can I get extra help in preparing my NSTP report and/or application?
Please refer to the Northern Research Committee tips that have been compiled to help you prepare your NSTP report and/or application.