Kristen Pue, Alix J. Jansen and Daniel Westlake recently published a paper showing that government-run long-term care homes did a better job at preventing COVID-19 deaths than LTC homes run by both corporations and nonprofits. Titled “Does the Profit Motive Matter?” the study notes:

“The association between for-profit provision and lower care quality is obvious and well-understood: there is also a large body of long-term care research demonstrating that for-profits under-perform government providers on a range of quality indicators.”

The three authors also discuss the middling performance of homes run by nonprofit organizations during the pandemic.

They published an article based on the study: “Non-profit long-term care homes have lost too many residents to COVID-19” (published on June 8, 2021).

Pue is a postdoctoral fellow in philanthropy and nonprofit studies at Carleton University, Jansen is a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto, and Westlake is a postdoctoral fellow at Queen’s University. (Photo is courtesy of Katarzyna Grabowska and Unsplash.)

Tuesday, June 22, 2021 in ,
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