Anil Varughese is the Graduate Supervisor of the Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership (MPNL) program. His research spans three thematic areas, with special reference to the global south: (1) political communication and political behaviour; (2) governance and democratic deepening; and (3) social policy. His research seeks to understand how public policy can be harnessed to create equity-enhancing outcomes in the developing world. He’s in the early stages of a research project on South Asian (immigrant) philanthropy and its intersection with democracy and public policy. Click here for his full bio.
Calum Carmichael is a retired Professor in the MPNL program. His research touches on political finance, the tax treatment of philanthropy, and the regulation of political activities by charitable organizations. He’s introduced and curated many series for PANL Perspectives, including Shifting Power and What Can the Philanthropic Sector Take from the Downfall of Samuel Bankman-Fried and His Ties to Effective Altruism? See Calum’s full bio.
Nathan Grasse focuses on the governance of public-serving organizations, including associations between governance and financial management, as well as nonprofit finance and financial management, governance and leadership, and strategic management. Read his full bio.
Paloma Raggo is the Director of Charity Insights Canada Project (CICP) / Projet Canada perspectives des organismes de bienfaisance (PCPOB). Her research includes international nonprofits, leadership, organizational accountability and global philanthropy. See her full bio.
Susan Phillips is a Professor in the MPNL program, and researches comparative public policy for the third sector, philanthropy and nonprofits, and public management. In 2023, she published “Philanthropic Response to Disasters: Gifts, Givers and Consequences,” edited by Alexandra Williamson, Diana Leat and Susan Phillips. Read Susan’s full bio.