1. Policies and Directives
    1. Carleton University Procurement Policy
    2. Broader Public Sector Procurement Directive
  2. Trade Agreements
    1. The Canada-United States-Mexico Free Trade Agreement
    2. The Canadian Free Trade Agreement
    3. The Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement
    4. The Ontario-Quebec Trade and Cooperation Agreement
  3. Bill S-211 Compliance Reports
  4. Supply Chain Code of Ethics
  5. Protocols and Considerations
    1. Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Purchase Considerations
    2. Hazardous Waste Disposal
    3. Live Animal Purchase Protocol

We are here to help you be compliant with your purchasing needs. We do it through our adherence to University and Government Policies, Government Trade Agreements, Code of Ethics, and University Protocols.

Policies and Directives

Carleton University Procurement Policy

The University Procurement Policy applies to the procurement of goods, services, construction and renovation work (whether by purchase, lease or rental) and includes the Code of Ethics and Approval Authority Schedule. It applies to all funding sources including operating, research, capital, ancillary and funds held in trust. All related policies are established by the Carleton University Secretariat.

  • Procurement Card Policy
  • eCard Policy
  • Approval and Delegation of Authority
  • Equipment Inventory
  • Signing Authorities
  • Environment and Sustainability Policy

Broader Public Sector Procurement Directive

The Broader Public Sector (BPS) Procurement Directive ensures that publicly funded goods and services, including construction, consulting services, and information technology are acquired by BPS organizations through a process that is open, fair, and transparent.  It outlines the responsibilities of BPS organizations throughout each stage of the procurement process to ensure that procurement processes are managed consistently throughout the broader public sector.

Trade Agreements

Carleton University is responsible for compliance with procurement-related commitments in the relevant chapters of the CFTA (Chapter 5 – Government Procurement), CETA (Chapter 19 – Government Procurement), and the OQCTA (Chapter 9 – Public Procurement).

The Canada-United States-Mexico Free Trade Agreement

In effect as of July 1st, 2020, The Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), replaced the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and aims to strengthen Canada’s strong economic relationships with the United States and Mexico.

The Canadian Free Trade Agreement

In effect as of July 1st, 2017, this domestic (inter-provincial) trade agreement, The Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA),  replaced the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) and promotes open procurement practices among public sector organizations.

The Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement

In effect as of September 21st, 2017, The Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) expands the opportunities for vendors in both the EU and Canada to bid on public procurements. The rules apply only in certain circumstances, namely:

  • Procurements by a “covered entity”
  • That are in respect of specified goods, services or construction, which
  • Exceed certain minimum value thresholds.

The Ontario-Quebec Trade and Cooperation Agreement

In place for several years, The Ontario-Quebec Trade and Cooperation Agreement (OQTCA) is a bi-lateral trade agreement between Ontario and Quebec has recently been revised to align with the CFTA.

Bill S-211 Compliance Reports

Bill S-211, the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act, mandates Canadian companies to report on measures taken to prevent forced and child labor within their supply chains. This page lists compliance reports submitted under the Act, showcasing efforts towards ethical and transparent business practices.

Supply Chain Code of Ethics

Carleton University is committed to high standards of ethical, legal, environmental and professional behaviour by its members when carrying out their responsibilities and managing the resources entrusted to them. All University staff and personnel who, during the course of their duties, are involved in the process of acquiring goods or services shall perform their duties to the following standards:

Personal Integrity and Professionalism

  • A high standard of integrity, honesty, respect, professionalism and due diligence will be exercised in all activities and relationships
  • Any personal interest that may impinge ones’ impartiality must be declared immediately to the Manager of Procurement Services
  • Respect for each other will be demonstrated
  • Respect for the environment will be demonstrated
  • The confidentiality of information received in the course of duty will be respected, subject to legislative requirements
  • Information given in the course of duty should be true, fair and factual
  • Activities that create, or may appear to create, a conflict of interest, such as accepting gifts or favours or providing preferential treatment are not acceptable

Accountability & Transparency

  • Goods and services shall be procured in an open, fair and transparent manner
  • All procurement activities will be conducted in a competitive environment to ensure best value is obtained and University resources are optimized

Compliance & Continuous Improvement

  • The support of collaborative purchasing, the adoption and sharing of leading procurement practices and the highest standards of professional competence will be sought and demonstrated
  • Vendors will be encouraged to consider sustainability and social responsibility in their product or service offerings

Protocols and Considerations

Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Purchase Considerations

Before making any purchase, please take note of the following considerations:

  • Biohazardous materials (including cell lines) and radioactive materials, including radioactive sources within equipment require permits BEFORE purchase. Please discuss this with EH&S in advance of your purchase;
  • Controlled Drugs and Narcotics (including cannabis for research) require exemption permits which must be provided to EH&S;
  • Controlled Goods (defense, military or similar strategic goods) must have pre-authorization, and EH&S must be contacted in advance to verify use locations;
  • Chemicals (including gases):
    1. Are the chemicals considered high hazard?
    2. Do they require specialized monitoring or sensors?
    3. Is there a safe location to use and store the chemical? (i.e., a laboratory with fumehood, glove boxes, emergency eyewash, shower, flammable storage cabinets)
    4. Have you considered disposal costs? Some specialized gases have disposal costs that are 10X the purchase price or specific disposal needs, such as collection in large, diluted quantities.
  • Equipment, including specialized equipment:
    1. Does it meet Canadian electrical certification?
    2. Does it require additional/high voltage electrical supply?
    3. Does it require additional ventilation or exhaust?
    4. Does it connect to gases or chemicals?
    5. Is this a high pressure system?
    6. Is there sufficient space for the equipment?
    7. Have delivery and installation logistics been considered?
  • Do any of the above require specialized access or security needs?

Please contact Environmental Health and Safety Officer, Sadaf Umer to discuss your particular needs, by email at Sadaf.Umer@carleton.ca or by phone at ext. 3000.

Hazardous Waste Disposal

The Ministry of Environment (MOE) regulates the disposal of all hazardous waste material at Carleton University. This waste can include among others, chemical, biomedicals, sharps, used oil, scintillation waste, batteries. All of these streams must be managed appropriately according to government and Carleton University procedures. Contact the Manager, Laboratory and Academic Program Safety for assistance in classifying your waste: Tina.Preseau@carleton.ca or at (613) 520-2600 ext. 3809.

Live Animal Purchase Protocol

To purchase non-rodent animals including, but not limited to birds and amphibia, you must have an approved Animal Use Protocol. Prior to purchasing any animal please email ACVSOrder@cunet.carleton.ca with the species, number of animals, and AUP number. Once approved, you may proceed with your purchase. If you require additional information on live animal purchase protocol, please review SOP ADM05 “Ordering and Receiving Animals” and then contact ACVSOrder@cunet.carleton.ca if you have any further questions.