Open Competitive Procurement Request

Complete this form to initiate a request to Procurement Services for support with a purchase above the Open Competitive procurement threshold. Questions? Email us at

  • Main Person of Contact

  • Project Summary

  • In lay terms, what are you planning to buy, and why? This is high level (5-10 sentences). You will be provided a detailed template to help with scope development later.
  • Projects that represent a potential data related risk will undergo a Data Protection Risk Assessment as part of the RFx process.
  • Projects that represent a potential data related risk will undergo a Privacy Impact Assessment as part of the RFx process.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Once you are assigned a Procurement Officer, the RFx process may take a minimum of 3 months.
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Max file size is 15MB. If your file size is larger, please submit the form without attachments and you will have an opportunity to share them later in the process.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 15 MB.

    If you do not receive a copy of your submission by email, please email us at