Dr. Bakare-Fatungase, a Queen Elizabeth Scholar, conducted a research visit at the Massey Library of the Royal Military College Kingston from February 12th to 13th, 2024. Currently engaged in her placement at Saint Paul University in Ottawa, Dr. Bakare is leveraging her scholarly endeavors to contribute to the advancement of knowledge.

During her visit, Dr. Bakare delivered two notable presentations. The first, titled “Research Made-Simple Lab,” elucidated the Novice2Expert Research Framework, emphasizing the pivotal role of librarians in enhancing students’ information literacy skills across varying proficiency levels. Dr. Bakare underscored the iterative nature of the research process, wherein individuals transition from novice to expert and vice versa with each new undertaking, highlighting the supportive function of librarians throughout this developmental trajectory.

On the subsequent day, February 13th, Dr. Bakare shifted focus to her research on Artificial Intelligence (AI). In her presentation entitled “Staying Ahead of the Digital Curve: Librarians as Panacea of the Generative AI Conundrum,” she explored the intricate dynamics of AI integration within educational contexts. Specifically, Dr. Bakare delved into the Library-AI Handshake Model and the intersection of librarianship with Generative AI. Her discourse elucidated the indispensable roles of librarians in navigating the evolving landscape of AI within educational frameworks, underscoring their fundamental contributions to fostering informed AI discourse and implementation strategies.