Photo of Roland Akuka Apambilla

Roland Akuka Apambilla


Home Institution

University of Ghana, Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies, PhD Candidate


My name is Roland Akuka Apambilla and I am currently a second year PhD candidate in Environmental Science at the Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies, University of Ghana. I hold a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree in climate change and sustainable development and previously served at the Centre for Climate Change and Sustainability Studies as a graduate assistant. Since then I have developed an interest in climate change and sustainability issues especially impacts of climate change on biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services and environmental management.

Research Interests and societal interests

My career goal is to be an expert in climate change and environmental sustainability science and to contribute significantly to the mitigation and adaptation efforts towards addressing the myriad environmental and socio-economic challenges that face the world today. Specifically, my research interests focus on biodiversity and ecosystem services conservation for human well- being and environmental sustainability through quality research with relevance to policy and practice.

Expectations as a QES Scholar during the Mobility Period

I have high expectations for participating in the Queen Elizabeth Scholarship- Advanced Scholars program. I hope the training with the Canadian scientists will be an unparalleled platform for me to learn more scientific tools and innovations for climate change mitigation, adaptation and sustainable development in order to help address these challenges in the sub region.  Also, as I work on my PhD thesis, my expectation is that the exchange programme will boost my expertise and confidence in shaping my research ideas. Thus, it will specifically broaden my horizon on different scientific theories and methodologies to adopt in order to help frame my thesis in the right context.

An interaction with other globally recognized scientists will also put me in a higher pedestal and give me a competitive edge to be a renowned scientist that impacts society through research.

Networking and collaboration are key to succeeding in research and academia in general, I believe this exchange program will provide the ground for identifying potential researchers to partner with for future research endeavors.

The QES Project and Advancement of your Career

In the near future, I seek to be a well-trained climate change and environmental science expert working in developing countries to help in appropriate Green House Gases accounting and reporting in order to contribute to the efforts of implementing Ghana’s National Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). I also envisage working and forming collaborations with other researchers on ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation for sustainable human livelihoods in the context of climate change.