Photo of Dalo Njera

Dalo Njera

Lecturer,Dept of Forestry and Environmental Management


Home Institution

Mzuzu University, Department of Forestry and Environmental Management, I am a Lecturer in Forestry


Dalo Njera holds PhD in Rural Development and Extension obtained from Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources. He is Lecturer in Social Forestry, Forest Ecology and Community Based Natural Resources Management. He is also involved in research and outreach in forest extension, landscape restoration and community-based organizational/institutional development.   

Research Interests and societal interests

My research interests are institutional governance and institutional design principles for community-based forest management. As QES Scholar, my area of interest within Climate Change and Societal Transformation is to assess how the ability of local communities to respond to Climate Change is enabled and understand constraints faced in this process.

Expectations as a QES Scholar during the Mobility Period

I expect that through this programme, I will be able to gain more knowledge and insights on climate change issues. I also expect to sharpen my understanding on community and societal transformation with relevance to climate change as one of the contemporary issues affecting communities at the local level.  I further expect to learn from other scholars how climate change affects their countries and the possible mitigation and adaptation measures that have been taken. Finally, I expect to establish research networks with my mentors of Carleton University and with the other fellow QES scholars.

The QES Project and Advancement of your Career

The QES Scholarship program will enable me to improve the understanding of issues on climate change and the subjects related to societal transformations. In this regard, the knowledge gained will enable me to effectively undertake training of students and other professionals, conduct research and undertake community outreach activities within my university. The program will also enable me have an increased capacity to significantly contribute in formulating strategies and policies for adapting and mitigating effects of climate change in my country. I shall also gain the required skills in developing fundable research and developmental proposals related to climate change and societal transformation.