Photo of Elisha Stephen Ngulube

Elisha Stephen Ngulube

Degrees:Ph.D. Forestry and Environmental Management at Mzuzu University

Carleton University Research Mentor
Scott Mitchell

Mr Elisha Stephen Ngulube is a professional forester and academician. He holds a Certificate in Forestry obtained from Malawi College Forestry, Malawi, Diploma in Wood Technology from Forest Industries Training Centre, Zimbabwe, BSc in Forestry (Forestry and Natural Resources Management) from Stellenbosch University, and MSc in Forest Science (Forest Engineering) (University of Pretoria) RSA.  Currently, Elisha is reading for a PhD in Forestry and Environmental Management at Mzuzu University, Faculty of Environmental Sciences in Malawi.

He worked in the Department of Forestry in Malawi in various capacities before joining Mzuzu University (Mzuni) as a Staff Associate in 2006.  He has been serving in the capacity of a Lecturer at Mzuni since 2013.  His research interests rest in forest management, timber productivity analyses, sustainable timber harvest planning, climate change and forest modelling (Follow publications on Researchgate).  For his doctoral research, Elisha will be examining effects of timber skidding on biophysical and forest soil carbon behaviour in Viphya forest plantations in Malawi.  This study seeks to respond to Sustainable Development Goal 15, which advocates for the protection of life on land and, mitigation and adaptation to climatic effects on plantation forest management.

On the social front, Mr Ngulube contributes to community development advocacy initiatives in the areas of sustainable agriculture, forestry, environment, economic development, career guidance and social security using local goal oriented institutions such as non-governmental organisations (NGO) and faith based organisations.  He is one of the founders of a local NGO, the Forum for Mzalangwe Community Development.

Home Institution

Mzuzu University, Department of Forestry and Environmental Management, Lecturer/PhD Student


Elisha Ngulube holds a MSc in Forest Science (University of Pretoria). He is a lecturer and PhD student at Mzuzu University in Malawi.  He will be modelling post-harvest socio-ecological dynamics on Viphya forest plantations in Malawi with a view to mitigate climate change in plantation forestry.

Research Interests and societal interests

  • Development of decision support tools for sustainable forest management
  • Analyses of timber harvesting systems, productivity and costs
  • Community outreach initiatives in the areas of sustainable natural resources management, economic development and social security.

Expectations as a QES Scholar during the Mobility Period

The mobility period in Canada will enable completion of writing a PhD research proposal.  I expect to be mentored on research (experimental) designing, data collection techniques and analytical procedures.  I expect to participate in as many academic discussions as possible with a view to develop networks under the common denominator of climate change.  I would like to broaden my general experiential learning horizons at both inter- and intra-continental levels with a view to embrace change where necessary.  I also expect to develop strong ties with Carleton in fostering the climate change research publication initiatives.

The QES Project and Advancement of your Career

The QES Project provides an inter- and intra-continental opportunity to mentor and network scholars on topical issues promulgated by climate change.  Not only will this change mindset towards realities of climate change but it will also strengthen my research and publication skills.  Reputable publications are self-fulfilling and rewarding in the academia where I work. Informed teaching in the university also depends on successes in research.  In turn, rating of universities partly depends on the amount of research conducted by the faculty.