Photo of Eric Kofi Doe

Eric Kofi Doe


Home Institution

PhD Candidate, Department of Geography and Resource Development, School of Graduate Studies, University of Ghana, Legon


PhD candidate of Geography and Resource Development, focusing on geospatial analysis of soil organic carbon as an ecological determinant of cocoa productivity. Holds Master of Philosophy in Agricultural Economics and Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Technology. Previously worked in the field of sustainable agriculture, promoting conservation, organic and ecological farming.

Research Interests and societal interests

  • Research interests: Ecological and sustainable agriculture covering predictive ecosystem mapping of soil-crop yield-location interactions. Application of farm habitat data in econometric and geostatistical analyses, to explain important relationships linking agronomic practices, soil organic carbon, crop yields and micro-climate.
  • Societal interests: Educating society to recognize climate-smart and ecologically efficient agricultural systems.

Expectations as a QES Scholar during the Mobility Period

I am expecting the QES mobility period will be an opportunity to broaden my knowledge, research competence and skills. Especially, performing geospatial analysis of optimal agricultural soil properties that regulate climate and crop productivity. Learn about the use of climate-smart agricultural technologies for addressing soil fertility, crop yield, adverse climate change and food security in Canada. I expect to work in a multi-cultural environment, use state of the art academic and research facilities. Work with high caliber scientists and explore networks to collaborate in the present and future scholarly work between Canada and sub-Sahara African countries.

The QES Project and Advancement of your Career

I believe the QES project will make significant contributions to my research skills and competence in the field of climate change and societal transformation. These will enable me to enrich my doctoral thesis and the ability to collaborate in future research between Canada and sub-Sahara African countries. I intend to use these research skills and competence in publishing inspiring articles, to influence sustainable climate-smart agricultural land (soil) use (management) in Ghana and other African cocoa-producing countries like Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria and Cameroon.