Photo of Hoyce Mshida

Home Institution

Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, School of Life Sciences and Engineering, PhD final year student in Food and Nutritional Sciences


I hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Nutrition and MPH. Currently I am finalizing my PhD studies in Food and Nutritional Sciences. In my research I have been working on WASH aspects in relation to the health of children under-five years in Maasai community of Longido, Tanzania

Research Interests and societal interests

Poor WASH practices are major public health problems in developing countries. These practices contribute significantly to mortality and morbidity of children under-five years. However, initiatives to address these problems of under-fives mortality and morbidity have been focusing mainly on curative measures and food supplementation. My research therefore, is aimed at assessing the influence of WASH interventions on improving the health status of under-five children in Maasai communities.

Expectations as a QES Scholar during the Mobility Period

  • Short-term expectations
    • Gain knowledge, skills and experience on community based research and projects.
    • Develop research partnerships from international arena.
    • Network with both international students and faculty members.
    • Engage in community activities and learn on how to interact with the society and industry.
    • Familiarize myself with international and multicultural working environments.
  • Longer term expectations
    • Networking and collaborating with local and global academic and non-academic teams.
    • Increased contribution in solving the problem of society and industry.
    • Mentoring both local and international young researchers and leaders in achieving their dreams.
    • Becoming an ambassador on the importance of collaborating and networking with local and global working environments.
    • Gaining professional and personal growth.

The QES Project and Advancement of your Career

Upon completion of the QES program, I will be able to accomplish my PhD studies and attain my career goals. Again, I will be able to network and collaborate with international, multicultural, and multi-displinary teams to achieve my career plans and solve the problems of society and industry in developing countries.