Photo of Mawuenyega Makafui  Butu

Home Institution

University of Ghana, Department of Economics, Doctoral candidate in Development Economics


I am a doctoral candidate in Development Economics at the University of Ghana. My doctoral research is on ‘The Role of Human Capital in Child Poverty Alleviation’. I provide research assistance to the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER). I lectured in some private universities in Ghana before starting my PhD programme.

Research Interests

My research interest is in the area of

  • Poverty alleviation
  • Inequality (income and gender inequality)
  • Food security (malnutrition, availability and access to food)

I am also interested in volunteering activities targeted at empowering young women and children

Expectations as a QES Scholar during the Mobility Period

As an emerging scholar, I look forward to improving upon my writing skills as well as data analysis skills through practical sessions, field trips and hands-on training in the host institution.

I also expect to have an effective mentorship relationship, where I can support and benefit from the expertise of top-notch researchers in economics. I hope that by the end of the project, I would have established sustainable networks for future research collaboration.

I am optimistic that after this project, I will be equipped to contribute to and transform my community through research.

The QES Project and Advancement of your Career

My goal is to contribute to my society through research and academia. I am optimistic that the QES Project will advance my career. This is because the project offers professional mentors who will guide me in my research study.

The cross country experience the project offers will also enrich my academic and professional pursuits. The QES Project would expose me to new ideas and opportunities that would advance my career.

Last but not least, QES Project would also equip me to publish and share my research findings, experiences and knowledge with other emerging scholars.