The Corporate Archives is pleased to announce the launch of the Digital Archives Vault, Carleton’s new digital permanent records repository.

The Digital Archives Vault preserves Carleton’s digital history using a combination of Archivematica and secure cloud storage across the Ontario Council of University Libraries’ network.

Primary Focus

Currently, the Carleton University Digital Archives Vault is working to preserve two primary categories of electronic records:

  • Record types that must be retained permanently by Corporate Archives in accordance with the Carleton University Retention Schedule. These records may include annual operating and fiscal reporting, committee minutes, specific types of correspondence, specific types of labour relations, pension, and personnel records. If your department is responsible for a particular record type that is identified as Permanent or requiring Archival Review in the Carleton University Retention Schedule, please contact Corporate Archives to appraise transfer requirements for digital records.
  • Records that Corporate Archives has deemed as containing historical significance to Carleton University. This may include documentation of significant events (e.g. anniversaries, Throwback or convocation events, COVID-19 response efforts, brochures, correspondence of significance, records of special visitors or lectures, etc.). The decision to label records as historically significant is determined by the Corporate Archives and may be prone to change as situations and needs evolve.

If you believe you are in possession of historically significant material or records that are legally required to be kept permanently, DIGITAL or PHYSICAL, please contact the Corporate Archives to arrange a meeting.


For more information on the Digital Archives Vault, please contact Corporate Archives directly.