How to Access Archival Materials

Corporate Records and Archives are updating the collections database to improve accessibility to Carleton’s corporate memory. Currently, descriptions and digital copies of the minutes of the Board of Governors are available through this database.

Descriptions of other collections from the Corporate Archives are added to the database daily, but not searchable directly by the public. If you are interested in researching archival material in the Corporate Archives, please contact the records and archives department directly for assistance.

Research and Reference Requests from Carleton University Departments and Offices

The Corporate Archives assists all departments and units of the University in retrieving permanent corporate records. If you are require research assistance or need to retrieve records from your department or office, please contact the Corporate Archivist directly.

Research and Reference Requests from Students, Faculty, and Members of the General Public

All requests for research and reference assistance from students, faculty (when concerning non-administrative queries), and members of the general public must be made through the Corporate Archivist.