Dr. Rafik Goubran is seeking re-appointment as Carleton University’s Vice-President, Research and International (VPRI). Following the appointment guidelines, Carleton is seeking one professional librarian and five full-time academic staff members (one from each Faculty) to serve on the Advisory Committee.

The Advisory Committee will carry out its work in February and March of 2022. Committee members will need to be available during this time.


  • Nominees must be active, full-time faculty members in an academic unit of the university at the level of Full Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor or Instructor, or must be professional librarians employed at Carleton.
  • Faculty members must not be on leave now or planning a leave before the work of the committee is complete.
  • At least two confirmed members must hold the rank of Full Professor.

More information on the committee and process can be found here: carleton.ca/secretariat/vpri-review

Nomination Form

Deadline for nominations is January 18, 2022. Applicants should receive an automatic confirmation email after submitting the form. Elections, if necessary, will take place via e-vote on January 19 – 20, 2022. Please contact the Assistant University Secretary kathy.mckinley@carleton.ca for more information.