SES has created this page specifically for students needing information regarding exam day. Take some time to peruse this page and find more information about directions to buildings you may be writing in, tips to relieve exam stress, and more!

Before your Exam

Where can I find my exam schedule?

Your personalized examination schedule is available on Carleton Central. Once logged in, navigate to “myExam Schedule” to view your personal exam schedule.

You can also view your personalized exam schedules on your smartphone through the Carleton Mobile App.

Exam Locations

Most exams taking place on campus will occur in Fieldhouse (FH), Raven’s Nest – Allumni Hall (AH), Tory Building (TB), Southam Hall (SA), or the Nideyinàn formerly University Centre (NN).

Can’t remember where you’re writing? You can get this information through Carleton Central or via the Carleton app.

We have also pointed out the nearest bus stops to these buildings, to better assist you in planning your trip on campus for exams. (NOTE: While you can board a bus at the stop near Athletics to head home, you must get off at the main stop on campus near Minto).

What to Bring

You should only bring your student card, writing utensils and items authorized by the instructor (e.g.: calculators, dictionaries). If your instructor didn’t authorize any additional items, don’t bring them to your examination.

Only water is allowed at an examination and only in a clear bottle that does not have labels.

The University does not provide secure storage areas at examination sites, and is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. The University strongly recommends you do not bring any unauthorized or valuable items to an examination. If you bring valuables to the examination site, it is at your own risk.

Coats and Bags

At the primary exam sites a designated area is available to leave your belongings while you write your exam. It is recommended that you do not bring any valuables to the exam site.

You may bring your coat and small bag/purse to your desk if you wish. Coats should be placed on the back of your chair and bags/valuables under your seat. The contents should not spill into the aisle. You will be asked to leave over-sized bags at the front of the examination room and to remove any valuable contents (e.g. wallet, laptop, cellphone) and place these under your seat.

When to Arrive

It is recommended that students arrive at least fifteen minutes before their examination begins. This will give you more than enough time to check the seating plan, stow away your belongings and find a desk.

Late Arrivals

There is a 30 minute grace period for admission to formally scheduled examinations. If you arrive at your examination location within 30 minutes of the scheduled start time, you will be admitted without question.

If you arrive after the grace period, proceed to your exam site, but please note that course instructors have discretionary authority to either permit or deny your entry. In the event that entry is denied, you will be directed to the Site Facilitator for information on next steps.

During Your Exam

Examination Procedures

Students should be aware of Carleton’s procedures dealing with examinations. These procedures may be found below.

  1. Students must leave any unauthorized items in a place specified by Examination staff.
  2. Students who become aware that they have unauthorized materials in their possession during an examination should inform Examination staff immediately.
  3. Students may not bring any food or drink into the Examination Room, except water in a sealed, transparent, non-breakable, unlabelled container.
  4. Students may not enter the Examination Room after the first half-hour of the examination.
  5. Students may not leave the Examination Room during the first half-hour of the examination, except under circumstances of duress, and must sign the Examination Signing Sheet before leaving.
  6. Students must provide official identification in the form of their Carleton University Campus Card or government-issued identification with photo.
  7. Students must provide their own printed name, student number, and signature on the Examination Signing Sheet, and may not leave the Examination Room until this has been done.
  8. The only time students may leave the Examination Room with the intention of returning is to use the washroom. They must bring their examination materials and ID Card to the designated sign out staff person, and both sign out and sign back in, on the sheet provided.
  9. Students are expected to complete a final examination once begun. If, while the exam is in progress, a student experiences a significant deterioration of health causing acute symptoms that prohibit her/him from completing the exam and require immediate and/or emergency medical attention, or is informed of a domestic emergency and is unable to complete the examination, she/he must hand in her/his answer books at once to an invigilator and inform the invigilator that she/he is unable to continue.  She/he will then receive additional instruction.
  10. Students who have doubts about the meaning or completeness of a question should make an assumption about what is needed to answer the question and state this assumption at the beginning of their answer.
  11. Students must ensure that all answer books and/or answer sheets have their name and student number on them. Upon completion of the exam, they should give the invigilator all used and unused answer books and/or answer sheets, and the question paper if required, and verify that their name has been checked on the signing sheet before leaving.

Exam Guidelines

Right before the examination begins, a Site Facilitator will make an announcement regarding the policy and rules for writing examinations. You will also have a handout on your examination desk which states the rules of an examination. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the relevant Carleton examination regulations.

Washroom Policy

The only time you may leave the examination room with the intention of returning is to use the washroom. You must bring your examination materials and ID card to the designated sign out staff person, and both sign out and back in on the sheet provided. Students may not bring their cell phones to the washroom.

Sudden Illness

Students are expected to assess their medical situation and well-being prior to entering the examination room, and are also expected to complete a final examination once begun. If you experience a significant deterioration of your health while the examination is in progress, it may be possible to submit a petition to apply to write a deferred examination. In these situations, a proctor at the exam site will provide you with information regarding next steps.

Please note, a significant deterioration during an exam is a situation whereby the student requires immediate and/or emergency medical attention. In such circumstances, a student will be required to seek appropriate documentation to confirm that the medical situation caused significant, acute symptoms during the examination that completely prohibited the student from completing the exam, describing the specific impacts on the student’s ability to continue the exam. A student must then petition to the Registrar’s Office within three business days of the examination with appropriate supporting documentation.

Leaving Early

Students are free to turn in their examination and leave the writing site after the signing-in process, which takes place thirty (30) minutes after the start of their exam, unless for emergency reasons.


If you have a question about the examination, please raise your hand. An invigilator or your professor will be with you shortly.

If your course instructor is not available, and you have doubts about the meaning or completeness of a question, you should make an assumption about what is needed to answer the question and state this assumption at the beginning of their answer.

Around Campus

Dining and Food Services

Studying long hours on campus and getting hungry? We remind students to keep in mind that, as exams fall at the end of each term, Dining Services often has reduced hours during this period. We encourage you to keep yourself up-to-date by checking their hours during these periods online!


The Carleton Directions webpage has information on how to get to Carleton’s campus on public transportation.