Carey Frey, MAPA 2004

Carey Frey, MAPA 2004

By the time a student reaches the post-graduate level, they invariably have been exposed to numerous educators. It is also probable that most of those students were fortunate enough to develop a special relationship with a teacher that resulted in a profound impact on their lives. With Glen Toner, many students discover a commitment to teaching that exists on an entirely different level than what they have likely experienced in the past. Glen’s infectious optimism, his profound networking skills and his leadership in public policy influence his students far beyond the reach of his classroom.

The challenge Glen issues to students is evident immediately in the first engagement between teacher and student. Most of Glen’s subjects present students with difficult, long-term global issues that are overwhelming to newcomers at the beginning. Students frequently object that public engagement and potential support for his point of view are low or non-existent and that existing systems are too entrenched in the status-quo to change. However, Glen makes the point that if that is the case, then everyone in case should pack up and go home.

As students continue studying with Glen, they learn that the world can be changed and that they can personally make a contribution. His abilities continually provide inspiration to his students and work as a force multiplier for good.

This reflection on the student experience was offered as part of a fundraising effort for the Dr. Glen Toner Scholarship Fund.