Harris Berton, MA-SE (2016)

Harris Berton, MA-SE (2016)

There are very few graduate programs in Canada that have both as much value and relevance as the MAPA-ISE stream and the Sustainable Energy Policy Program for young professionals in energy and environmental policy. Glen offers his students an unparalleled knowledge of the evolution of energy and environmental policy in Canada and the world, and his classes gave me the opportunity and framing to dive into topics that I continue to draw on in my career. However, it is Glen’s enthusiasm and commitment to students that truly makes these programs standout. Glen is always pushing students to maximize their opportunities, and he won’t accept anything less. SPPA will not be the same without Glen, but his impact will be felt for many years, and he sets a high standard for his successors and for alumni to maintain their invaluable engagement with current students. Glen makes it clear to student that you get out of grad school what you put into it, and I this scholarship is a wonderful way to help keep that critical insight front and centre in the minds of SPPA graduates and alumni.

This reflection on the student experience was offered as part of a fundraising effort for the Dr. Glen Toner Scholarship Fund.