Travis Dagg, MA-SE (2018)

Travis Dagg, MA-SE (2018)

The School of Public Policy and Administration, and Glen and his courses in particular, introduced me to the issues of sustainability and climate change and gave me the opportunity to have a career focusing on these important public policy issues. What I thought was a four-month co-op placement was in fact the beginning of a long and rewarding career. Glen cares about each of his students and as much as anyone I have known, he is committed to ensuring that they realize their potential. He pushed us to get the most out of us. He called in personal favours to get leading experts into his classes. He launched the SIGNALS network to link current students with established professionals.

What sets Glen apart is how much he cares. He cares about environmental issues and sustainability; he cares about his students and he cares about preparing them to become leaders in this field. I am fortunate to have had the career that I have had and all of the rewarding experiences that have gone with it. Glen had a lot to do with setting me on this path and I am hopeful that this scholarship can help prepare more students to make big contributions.

This reflection on the student experience was offered as part of a fundraising effort for the Dr. Glen Toner Scholarship Fund.