Camille Belanger, MPPA

Camille Belanger, MPPA

Prior to joining the SPPA, I completed a Bachelor of Arts at McGill University where I majored in Psychology. I then worked for two years as a consultant in communications. Having the chance to work there is really what piqued my interest in a public service career. It gave me a concrete perspective on how organizations can be affected by economic events, public affairs, and policies in their regular activities. This is what I was doing when the COVID-19 pandemic first started.

What convinced me to choose the SPPA was the feeling to be entering a tight community. I was impressed by the responsiveness of the SPPA staff, welcoming activities that were organized for incoming students, and the strong co-op program. A quick look at what alumni were doing with their career convinced me that it was a good choice.

I really like the people and my classes. Even in an online environment, we have a tight cohort with students who help each other out. I also really appreciate the fact that I had to take economics and political science prerequisites in order to complete the program. This has no doubt given me solid basis to build on during the rest of my studies and demonstrates the rigour put into designing the SPPA programs of studies.