Everyone should be concerned if the federal government bypasses the Canada Gazette

In late 2021, Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan signalled that his department would skip publication in the Canada Gazette of any new regulations on enforcing the federal government’s vaccine mandate for the core public service.

The Canada Gazette is the official publication of the Canadian government that publishes notices of statutes, regulations, proclamations and other business of government and Parliament.

As reported in the subscription-only Hill Times, O’Regan’s proposal to bypass the Gazette was apparently aimed at making good on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s October 2021 promise to ensure the well-being of Canadians by making sure public servants were vaccinated.

While the government consulted with select stakeholders on the measures, bypassing publication in the Gazette — an important first stage in the regulation process — undercuts good governance principles of transparency, accountability and public trust.

Read full article in The Conversation…