Christian Bordeleau is the founder of the IGO certification program and the norm IGO 9002. He is a recognized doctoral expert in public policy and organizational management recognized by numerous award such as the Carswell Prize, Morisseau-Louise-Montpetit, Center for Policy Research Network, and FQRSC the Government of Quebec for his academic research and the Fondation du Maire. Political policy scholar specialist of institutions, transaction costs, governance and public affairs, Christian Bordeleau has advised several municipalities in Quebec, in addition to multiple institutional and governmental organizations of provincial and federal levels. Mr. Bordeleau has taught at various levels, through various functions within departments of economics, law and School of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University in Ottawa and in the Department of Political Science at the University of Montreal.
Christian Bordeleau has also worked with Denis Saint-Martin, a specialist in international management consulting, director of the Center of Excellence EU-Montreal and McGill professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Montreal. He also worked with Leslie Pal, Chancellor Professor and specialist in international public governance and director of the Center for Governance and Public Management, Christopher Stoney, director of the Center for Research on Local Governance and Ian Lee, director of the Sprott Business School and director of the MBA program. In addition, he worked at the Centre for Development of Social Policy at the University of Montreal, School of Public Policy and Administration, Center for Governance and Public Management and advised as an expert in public policy different political figures at the municipal, provincial and federal. Journalist in various media, including Le Journal de Montreal, a contributor to the Ideas section and the Le Devoir de Philo of Le Devoir and commentator in the Gazette as an expert, the PhD candidate has developed a comprehensive knowledge of mechanisms governance that has allowed him to offer strategic advice.
All these academic specialties, these years of academic research and empirical experiments, gathered around an axis integrator, therefore enabled Christian Bordeleau to develop the innovative concept of IGO certification program and to provide for the first time the fruit of academic research to organizational clients. Thus was born IGOcertifications.org, a unique specialized certification process in the management of good governance’s intangible assets.