Real Ravens Recycle!

Carleton is participating in the 2024 Campus Race to Zero Waste (CR2ZW), a competition that compares our recycling and waste minimization against other participating schools across Canada and the United States! The competition period runs from late January to the end of March.

Carleton placed in the Top 10 in North America for Game Day Basketball Zero Waste and 16th overall in the Zero Waste category.

Trash Talking on CTV

Check out our segment on CTV Morning Live Ottawa, where we discuss the Campus Race to Zero Waste competition and the progress Carleton has made toward becoming a zero-waste campus.

Click here for the full segment

Celebrating Progress!

Our zero-waste game plan diverted an incredible 72.5% of recyclable materials from landfill during the men’s and women’s basketball games Saturday, January 27th!

Huge shoutout to Carleton Athletics, C&W custodial services and our amazing attendees for making this eco-win possible! Let’s shoot for more zero-waste victories in future games and events!


What exactly is the Campus Race to Zero Waste (CR2ZW) Competition?

The competition offers schools a fun way to engage with their communities and compete against other institutions to encourage better recycling and waste minimization habits. The main part of the program is an 8-week-long competition, where schools record their recycling and waste data weekly from late January to the end of March. There are also special one-time reporting categories that schools can participate in, such as GameDay Basketball and Electronics Recycling. To learn more about the competition, visit their website by clicking the logo below.


What kind of waste is tracked during the competition?

The main eight-week competition involves four different categories and Carleton will be participating in three of these categories. The categories are:

  • Diversion – recyclable containers and paper, organics/compost, and landfill waste are reported.
  • Per Capita Recycling – recyclable containers and paper are reported and compared against the campus population
  • Food Organics – focuses on the university’s food waste minimization strategies, such as donated or composted food, and their effectiveness.

Carleton will also be participating in some of the one-time reporting categories: GameDay Basketball, Electronics Recycling, and the Case Study Competition.

How can I help or get involved?

The easiest way for you to help and be involved is by ensuring you are sorting your recycling and waste properly! Make sure you take the time to learn the different streams we have here at Carleton and spread the word to friends and colleagues to encourage them to correctly sort their waste as well. You can also check out our Waste Wizard tool below if you are unsure what stream an item belongs in.

We will also be posting updates about upcoming events and initiatives during the competition, so stay tuned to our website and socials for more information!

Waste Streams On Campus

Below is a brief guide on the four waste streams available at our multi-stream waste bins on campus. For a full, comprehensive guide, including electronic waste, click here.

Carleton Waste Wizard

Drag-and-Drop Waste Sorting Activity

Test your knowledge of waste sorting streams on campus with the sorting activity below! If you are unsure what an item may be, hover your mouse over it and the name will appear.