1. TLS Outstanding TA Awards
  2. Departmental TA Awards

TLS Outstanding TA Awards

This award celebrates the support teaching assistants give to the undergraduate and graduate programs in their disciplines, their roles in establishing a positive learning environment and their work in implementing innovative teaching practices.

Five TAs are awarded this honour annually and they receive a certificate and $250. In addition, up to five honourable mentions are also awarded.

To nominate a TA, please fill out the form below. The deadline for nominations is Monday, March 31, 2025.

Congratulations to all past recipients of this award.

Outstanding TA Award Nomination - 2024-2025

Use this form to submit your nomination for all eligible TA awards. Please note that all nominators - students, faculty, peers and self-nominators - can use this form to submit nominations.

  • Can't find the department you're looking for? Contact us at TASupport@carleton.ca and we'll update our list.
  • (Course the TA is/was assigned to. Enter as XXXX ####. For example, SYSC 1606.)
  • Examples of Teaching Excellence

    Complete the following nomination fields in support of your nominated teaching assistant. Please remember that these awards recognize excellence in the work that TAs do in support of teaching and learning (in class, via email, on Brightspace, in office hours, as well as on assignments and exams).

    In order to ensure your nomination is as meaningful as possible, please include as much specific information/examples as possible.

    PLEASE NOTE: Candidates are scored on a rubric for EACH category below, so it is to your nominee's benefit to address each area.
  • Max. file size: 15 MB.
    *Faculty members are strongly encouraged to submit a letter of support that addresses EACH of the categories below, as all candidates are scored using the same rubric.

    *Materials may include feedback the nominee has provided to students, feedback from students/faculty on the nominee's teaching, emails to/from students or the nominee's supervisor, and so on. In order to appreciate these submissions, be sure to contextualize how these materials support excellence in teaching and learning.

    *Supporting materials must be brought together in ONE FILE, and that file must be 5 PAGES OR LESS and saved in DOC, DOCX, or PDF format. Zipped/multiple files or single files longer than 5 pages will NOT be reviewed by the committee.

    *Supporting materials submitted on the nominee's behalf must refer to the nominee's work for the CURRENT academic year. Materials submitted that document work done in previous years will NOT be reviewed by the committee.

Departmental TA Awards

In addition to the TLS Outstanding TA Award, many departments offer their own internal awards for teaching assistants. Please see the list below for details about the criteria for each departmental award.

Note: If you are a graduate or undergraduate administrator and are interested in harmonizing your departmental award nomination process and deadline with TLS, please fill out this Departmental TA Awards 2024-25 template and email to TASupport@cunet.carleton.ca

Departmental award nomination forms will be uploaded here as we receive them.