We’re excited to introduce Discover to Carleton!

The Carleton Bookstore is pleased to announce the launch of Follett Discover at Carleton. Discover is a web based platform that benefits faculty, staff and students in a variety of ways:

Discovery: Discover makes it easy for faculty to find new educational resources by enabling access to a vast database of searchable course materials, including textbook offerings and more.

Community: Discover allows faculty to review and recommend course materials, to help their colleagues.

Adoption: Discover streamlines the adoption process by eliminating the paperwork and guesswork associated with submitting traditional adoptions. Simply select the textbook you want, assign it to a course, and your adoption will be automatically forwarded to the Bookstore so we can complete the process!

Access: Discover is integrated with Brightspace, allowing students to easily find and acquire the course materials they need to succeed.

Tracking: Departmental admins can easily see which courses have textbooks assigned, and which ones are outstanding.

Try it today!

Click here to access Discover now. Note you will need to log in using your My Carleton One user name and password. Note that you can also access Discover directly through Brightspace by clicking on on the “jump to” menu in the top left corner, and clicking on either “Adopt a textbook” or “Find my textbooks”.

Support Resources

There are videos that cover the benefits of Discover on our Instructions & Resources page, along with instruction manuals for both faculty and admins.

Need Help or Have Questions?

Please contact us! You can reach our Textbook Manager by phone at 613-520-2600 x8115 and by email at textbooks@carleton.ca.