1. Purpose of the Award
  2. Criteria and Eligibility for the Award
  3. Timing
  4. Nomination Process
  5. Award
  6. Selection Committee
  7. Evidence to Include in a Submission Package

This award recognizes the many Carleton University educational support staff members who contribute to the student learning experience. Though they do not hold instructor, faculty or teaching assistant positions, these individuals positively impact student learning through their tireless work and support in labs, classrooms and many other diverse learning environments across Carleton.

Purpose of the Award

  • To celebrate Carleton staff members who excel in supporting student learning.
  • To recognize educators, including lab technicians, coordinators, learning support facilitators, and others in educational support roles who are ineligible for Carleton’s teaching and learning awards.
  • To encourage development and innovation in education practices by support staff members.
  • To encourage sharing of practices between educators.

Criteria and Eligibility for the Award

This award is open to all Carleton University full-time support staff members who are not CUPE 4600 (local 1 or 2) or CUASA members and who support students through facilitating, mentoring, coaching, instructing, guiding and supporting learning. Those nominated should demonstrate excellence in promoting student learning and in making a significant contribution to the university.

To ensure ample opportunity for other worthy support staff members to be recognized, Excellence in Learning Support – Educational Support Staff winners can receive this award only once. Teaching and Learning Services’ staff members are not eligible for this award.


Applications, including the application form, are due April 30 at midnight, with decisions to be made by June 30.

Nomination Process

The Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic) encourages nominations from students, colleagues and faculty members. Self-nominations are permitted. Whether by peer or self-nomination, nomination packages should be submitted in electronic form to teaching.awards@carleton.ca. If you don’t receive a confirmation email from us within 48 business hours, please contact us directly at 613-520-2600, x 2057.


One award will be presented annually in the amount of $750.

Selection Committee

A selection committee consisting of one faculty member, two support staff members and the Vice-Provost and Associate Vice President (Academic) or their designate will review the applications and select the recipient.

Evidence to Include in a Submission Package

  • Name, department and position
  • Description and examples of ways in which the staff member has shown initiative and innovation is his/her position, especially in regards to student learning development and experience.
  • Description of the staff member’s student-centred approaches to supporting and encouraging learning.
  • Letters of support from colleagues and/or supervisors/directors attesting to the candidate’s deservedness of the award.
  • Unsolicited letters, comments or other feedback from students regarding their experiences working with the staff member.

Please note: Applications must not exceed eight pages (excluding the application form). Applications that exceed this limit will not be considered by the adjudication committee.