1. Purpose of the Award
  2. Eligibility and Criteria for the Award
  3. Timing and Application Process
  4. Selection Committee
  5. Evidence to Include in a Submission Package

New faculty bring an energy and excitement to their teaching, often motivating those around them to challenge themselves and their practices. Although these elements of energy and excitement are not exclusive to new faculty, they are characteristics that should be nurtured and recognized. To that end, Teaching and Learning Services, as hosts and organizers of the annual New Faculty Orientation, are thrilled to present the New Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award, recognizing those new faculty members who underscore Carleton’s commitment to teaching excellence and innovation. Up to five awards will be presented annually.

Purpose of the Award

  • To encourage and celebrate excellent teaching at Carleton University, especially in new faculty.
  • To encourage the improvement of university teaching.

Eligibility and Criteria for the Award

This award is open to all new faculty members who are in their probationary period (pre-tenure/pre-confirmation). Only those activities exclusive to Carleton will be considered in the adjudication of this award. Recipients may only receive this award once.

Candidates need to demonstrate excellence in teaching, and be active in and engaged with the teaching and learning community at Carleton in some capacity (i.e., professional development opportunities, SoTL research/publications, departmental or university service, collegial exchanges, etc.).

Candidates may be nominated by a colleague or make a self-nomination for this award. Whether by peer of self-nomination, the submission package should contain all evidence listed below.

Timing and Application Process

Candidates must submit an application package online as a single document by April 30 at 11:59 p.m. with decisions to be made by June 30.

Selection Committee

A selection committee of between three and five faculty members and the Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic) or their designate will review the applications and select recipients.

Evidence to Include in a Submission Package

Applications packages should be constructed as a coherent narrative, with each part of the nomination serving as evidence of a clear set of values articulated in the teaching philosophy statement. Every artifact introduced as evidence of teaching effectiveness should be contextualized and explained for a broader, non-specialist audience.

Whether by peer or self-nomination, the submission should contain the following:

  • The candidate’s teaching philosophy. A useful resource for developing this statement can be found at the University of Calgary, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning.
  • The nominee’s teaching approaches and special strengths. Please provide relevant examples of these, where possible.
  • A listing of the courses taught by the candidate at Carleton, including their respective teaching scores and SEQ.
  • Other material collected, both formally and informally, may be included if the candidate wishes.
  • Descriptions of teaching innovations, with evidence of their success in promoting better student learning, as well as samples of excellent or innovative teaching materials, such as course handouts, exams, project descriptions, assignments, coursepacks or websites.
  • Letter of support from the chair/director or designate of the department/academic unit.
  • Contributions to the teaching and learning community at Carleton (i.e., professional development, research, departmental or university service, collegial exchanges, etc.)
  • Letters from colleagues or alumni referring to specific examples of the candidate’s teaching abilities and innovations. Unsolicited letters from students will also be accepted.
  • Descriptions of teaching innovations, with evidence of their success in promoting better student learning.

Please note: Applications must not exceed 10 pages (excluding the online application form). Applications that exceed this limit will not be considered by the adjudication committee.