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Carleton United Way Campaign Totals To-Date

Here is the breakdown of the funds raised for Carleton’s United Way campaign to-date:

Items listed are in no particular order.
Payroll Deductions 44,255
Cheque donations 250
Soup Launch United Way Kick-off 1,581
ICS/IIS DVD/CD/Video Game Sale 5,376.80
Registrar’s Office Great Pumpkin Silent Auction 878
Provost Pancake Breakfast 740
Library/Bake Sale 342
Library/Puzzle 173
Library Silent Auction/Baskets 3,759
Sprott Basket 310
Fix It Café & Lost and Found Sale 561.55
Polar Bear Dip 1,500
E-pledge (credit card) 8,161
Cat Café 432
Total $68,319.35
  With this new total, we are at 68% of our $100,000 goal!! Thank you to all event organizers and to those who have donated or signed up for payroll deduction!!! Sincerely, The Carleton United Way Committee