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Carleton United Way Soup Lunch & Campaign Launch Event

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

Carleton United Way Campaign Launch Event: Soup Lunch

33-UnitedWayLunch The last day to buy tickets online is the 23rd of October, tickets will still be available at the door on the 23rd. The United Way Soup Lunch is BACK! As in previous (pre-pandemic) years, it is BYOB – bring your own bowl. The Soup Lunch is always a popular event with a great turnout by staff and faculty alike, so please grab a bowl and come out to this great event in support of United Way! Soup choices:  Tickets can be purchased online, here. When paying online, a $6.00 fee will be payable upon online registration. Please note that a small portion of your registration fee will go toward administration costs. The form will require your name, as well as the name of any of your guests that you are purchasing tickets for. Purchase tickets online